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Katie awoke to the abrupt landing of the plane. She was jerked by the sudden impact. She rubbed her eyes and glanced down at her watch; 1:30am. 'Holy! Its late!!' Katie thought.

The plane gradually came to a landing. Katie picked up her NIKE backpack off the floor, flung it over her shoulder and proceeded down the arrival tunnel. She had been anticipating this moment for a week, but was suddenly nervous. 'What if Devlin finds out??' Katie thought, worried about what he might do under the circumstances.

"Hey Katie!! Wait up!!" Steph yelled, from a fair-way behind Katie. Tyra and Mandy ran after Stephanie. Katie stopped and waited for the girls. They soon caught up to her.
"Whats the big rush??" Devlin asked.
"Nothing, we've just never been to New York..." Katie lied.
"Well, you girls go and pick up your luggage and I'll go find our limo. I'll meet you girls at the exit in 15 minutes then ok??" Devlin asked, sauntering away.
'Yes!! He's gone! Now, I can actually hug Nick!!' Katie thought.
The end of the arrival tunnel soon approached and the girls walked out into the carousal area. Katie examined the room hoping to find that familiar shiny blond hair. She couldn't find him, 'Where is he??'.
"Where is everyone???" Mandy asked Katie.
Katie was very disappointed. She had been looking forward to seeing Nick, 'Why isn't he here??' Katie asked herself.
Katie was becoming extremely nervous, when a familiar feeling hand graced her shoulder.
One hand was then placed over her eyes. She knew who it was, so made no attempt to free herself. Her hair was gently pulled back from her ear, and she could now feel his hot breath on her neck, "Hey sexy..." Nick whispered into her ear.
Katie's heart soared at the single sound of his voice, "Hi hun" she replied.
"GEEZ!! You knew it was me!! Cheater!!" Nick pretended to whine.
"Shut up!!" Katie replied, sealing Nick's mouth with a kiss.
"YUCK!!" Brian jittered sarcastically towards the two locked mouths.
When the steamy kiss finally came to an end, Nick was almost at a loss for words. That had been their first real kiss, not to mention the best one either of them had ever had!!

Katie didn't want to leave Nick's arms, but knew she had to, because Devlin would be waiting and wondering. She released her arms from around his neck, and he removed his from around her waist.
"I missed you..." Katie said, as they walked hand-in-hand towards the luggage carousal.
"I missed you too..."