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By the time Katie had actually caught her breath, she had arrived outside the studio. Katie glanced at the clock, it read 8:04 'Shoot! I'm like 20 minutes late!!!!' Katie scolded herself. She quickly undid her seatbelt, grabbed her keys and her wallet and sprinted into the building. She must have searched down at least 10 different hallways before eventually finding studio D3. She was relieved to finally have found it. Katie flung the door open.

There, inside the room sat all five of the BSB around a table chatting. Katie's eyes were instantly drawn to the tall blonde. He was gorgeous. He had all of the features that Katie had ever looked for in a guy. They immediately stopped talking when they were interrupted by the harsh yelling of Katie's manager Devlin, when he entered the room. Katie gave the guys a nervous glance and bit her lip. "Miss Halladay!!!! Your late!!!!" Devlin yelled. "I'm sorry. I just forgot I didn't..."Katie pleaded.

Devlin interrupted her, causing Katie to pause," Katie, this is the 3rd time this week that you have been late. What do I have to say to make you realize that being punctual is the key to success!!!!" Devlin scolded her. Katie was confused, "What????? This is the first time I've ever been late. I swear, I'll never do it again but..." "Are you calling me a liar??" Devlin yelled. "Yes, I mean... no. I don't know, but its true. This is the first time I've ever been late!!!!" Katie yelled in his face.

Devlin was obviously alarmed by Katie's back-talking when he didn't reply. Katie knew that Devlin was steaming, by the way he said nothing but gave her an evil stare. Katie knew to back off. "Miss Halladay, if I ever hear you using that tone of voice again to me, I will make it my own personal business that you are fired!!!" he yelled at her. "God!! you sound like my father. Why doesn't you just take a chill-pill??" Katie mumbled to herself. "What did you say??" Devlin yelled. "Nothing." Katie lied. Katie knew that she had pushed one too many of Devlin's buttons, she knew she should have kept quiet.

Devlin motioned for Katie to take a seat. Katie sat down, taking off her sunglasses and dropping her keys and wallet in front of her. She nervously sunk low into the chair. She felt awkward and as if everyone else in the room was watching her. "Now Katie, now that you're here. I'd like to discuss with you, the tour." Devlin calmly stated. Katie was astonished, "Did you say tour??? Does that mean we've got the job??" Katie gasped. "Yes, that is on one condition though..." Devlin replied. He was now talking as though nothing had ever happened. "Which is..." "That you girls agree to share the tour bus with the guys." Devlin said. Katie blushed, she didn't mind at all having to share the bus with the guys (not at all!!!!!). "Thats all??" she asked. "Yeah, that and you really have to try hard not to fight with Mandy. Please, I don't want you two girls fighting non-stop. You need to learn to control your temper." Devlin replied. "Yeah I know, but you try controlling your temper around Mandy. You wouldn't be able to either." Katie pleaded to Devlin. Katie and Mandy didn't get along at all. Mandy was always heckling Katie about her temper, and was always flaunting the fact that her father was a billionaire. Devlin scornfully looked at Katie. "Yeah, I'll try. But I'm not garaunteeing anything ok??" Katie responded. "Alright then, you girls have the job then." Katie jumped out of her chair in happiness, "Thank you Devlin, thank you. I promise you you won't regret this." Katie gasped, hugging Devlin. "Don't thank me, thank the guys. It was their decision in the end." Devlin said, pointing at the guys. Katie removed her arms from around his neck. She turned to the guys, "Thanx a million." Katie said smiling at them. "No problem." Kevin replied. Katie smiled, and turned back to Devlin. "Don't worry. We'll be famous faster then you can say 'Backstreet Boys'!!!!!!" Katie assured him.