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Katie spent the afternoon being interviewed by the boys' manager, Donna, and making all of the touring plans definate.

Katie was greeted by the other 3 members of the group: Tyra (a child hood friend), Mandy, and her best friend Stephanie. "Oh my god!!! I'm soooo excited!!!!!" Katie screamed to Steph after a hug of congratulations. "I know, and did you check out that guy Brian. Woah Baby!!!!! is he hot or what???? Jeaz, if I was usually around guys who look like that, believe me honey, I would not be single right now!!!!!" Stephanie replied happily. "Nuh-uh, that guy Nick is way better. He is fine, I must say!!!!" Katie exclaimed.

The 4 girls discussed the tour. They were to be leaving the following morning, they would then travel to Chicago where they would prepare for the tour. The tour would begin in New York, and then continue on across the States.

"So Katie, what're the new songs that we're gonna be doing for the tour??" Tyra asked excitedly. "Ummmm.. I was thinking maybe, 'Your Face', 'Tell Me Again' and our original hit, 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun'" Katie replied hopefully. "That sounds great. I really like 'Tell Me Again'" Tyra replied. "Yeah, and I can't wait to make our first video. That's gonna be like so cool!!" Steph intraverted. "And the clothes we get to wear, EEEEEEkkkkkkkk!!!! I'm sooo excited, they have like all of the designer clothes you could ever dream of on those video sets!!!!" Mandy interrupted. The girls just laughed at Mandy's typically blonde response. Of course the only thing Mandy could think about was clothes when they had just gotten the biggest opportunity in all of their careers.

The afternoon passed quickly making plans and packing. Katie had returned back to her apartment by 6:00 that evening and was packing all of her wardrobe, into one tiny suitcase. She had everything ready to begin the tour by 8:00 that evening. She had called her family back home that evening, to give them the good news...

"Oh, I'm so happy for you sweety!!! Who would ever have dreamt that my baby would famous!!!" Katies mom yelped. "Thanx mom, but we're not exactly famous yet, that'll take a while!!" Katie replied. "Katie, Natalie wants to talk to you for a second..." her mom said, giving the phone to Natalie. Natalie, was Katie's 14 year old sister. "Hey Nat, whatcha need??" Katie asked. "Nothing really. I'm just like soooo jealous of you!!! You are soo lucky, you get to go on tour with the Backstreet Boys!!!!" Natalie screamed. "Nat, its kind of a shock to me too, but you gotta realize, they're just normal people." Katie replied. "I know, but still you gotta admit, they're definetly cute..." Natalie said, "shoot, mom just told me to get off the phone. She doesn't want me to run-up your phone bill. Well, guess I'll let you go, and promise me you'll get me their autographs!!" Natalie said. "Course I will, see yu sis. Tell mom I'll call her as soon as I get to Chicago. Bye!!" Katie replied, hanging up the phone.

She fell asleep that night by 10:00 and excitedly dreamt about the 3 months that were ahead of her. Not to mention, she couldn't get the picture of Nick out of her head. 'Jeaz, why does he have to be so darn gorgeous???' Katie thought to herself, eventually falling asleep.

Meanwhile, back at the guys apartments, Brian and Nick were sitting on the couch, watching late night movies. "Hey Nick, that girl Katie sure is something hey??" Brian whispered. "Yeah, she's definately hot if thats what you mean." Nick replied. "Of course thats what I mean." Brian said. "If I'm not mistaken, I think AJ has a slight crush on that other girl, Tyra. He was sure flirting with her." Nick admitted. Brian just laughed and lean back in his seat, he was surprised that Nick hadn't discovered yet, that he had a slight crush on Stephanie. 'This is sure going to be one interesting tour.' Brian thought to himself.