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There was an awkward moment of silence until the airport intercom, finally announced, "Flight B12 heading for Chicago is now boarding, passengers please make you way to the nearest boarding hall."

Everyone immediately gathered their carry-ons and slowly walked down the hall. Katie still had red eyes from crying, and looked really hurt. Nick felt horrible, but he didn't know what to say to Katie that would make her feel better.

"Hey Stephanie, How's Katie doing?? is she ok???" Nick asked Steph. "I dunno. She's hardly talking. All she'll give me are simple two- word answers. But I think she'll get over it, it's not the first time something like this had happened to her." Steph explained to Nick.

Steph noticed the still concerned look on Nicks face. She sighed, she knew Nick had feelings for Katie and was really concerned. "Look, just go and talk to her if your so worried about her." Steph said pushing him towards Katie. Nick was surprised to see Katie's head whisp around to look at him, he was staring right into her beautiful hazel eyes now.

"What?!?!" Katie shrieked, looking annoyed with him. Nick tried not to feel put-down by what she had said, he knew that Katie was just a little emotional right now. "Ummmmm...are you ok??" Nick asked looking into her eyes. "Yeah. Jeaz!!!! Why does everyone keep asking me that??" Katie quickly blurted. Nick sensed the still hurt look of Katie's but just decided to leave her alone, obviously that was what she wanted.

Everyone boarded the plane, taking their seats. Nick noticed that Katie had been assigned the seat next to Mandy and had not been too happy about it. She annoyingly sat down glaring at Mandy, she glared back. Nick sat back in his seat, knowing not to interfere.

Donna took a seat between Brian and Nick. Nick saw Katie glance back in envy. "Ummmm Donna...Do you think I can switch you spots??" Katie asked. "Sure hun." Donna replied knowing why Katie had asked.

Katie picked up her backpack and quickly switched Donna seats. She sunk low into her seat and sighed with relief of not having to sit by Mandy for another second. Nick and Brian both gave eachother suspicous looks. They knew they shouldn't say anything to Katie that would upset her.

"Hey Nick, that was quite some fight out there huh? Katie really has guts to stand up to Devlin like hey??" AJ whispered to Nick. Nick knodded in agreement. "Yeah, that Mandy sure seems moody though." Nick whispered back. "Hell yeah. She was totally asking for that punch though. She deserved it. I mean, I know how Katie feels. My dad left my mom too and and that really hurts when someone uses that against you in a fight or something." AJ replied. Nick sighed,and tried to put Katie out of his head, knowing he wouldn't succeed.