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The gang all piled into a large black limo for the ride to the hotel they were staying at. Katie struggled to keep her eyes open during the ride. Here eyes felt like lead, they had to be closed. The ride to the hotel was quiet, everyone was too tired to talk.

Within 15 minutes, they arrived at the hotel. Everyone was exhausted and immediately went to their rooms. Katie was sharing a room with Stephanie, Tyra was sharing with Mandy and Donna. Nick, and Brian were sharing a room, and Kevin, Howie and AJ were in the other.

Katie entered the enormous room, dragging her feet behind her. She was completely wiped. She threw her suitcase on the floor immediately along with her backpack and flopped onto the bed. Katie almost immediately fell into a deep sleep. 'Poor kid,' Stephanie thought to herself, 'she's completely wiped out.' Stephanie layed down on her bed, and also fell asleep quickly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was 6:00 that evening when Katie finally woke up. She sat up in her bed, she saw that Stephanie was still sleeping, she didn't want to wake her up. Katie decided she would go and visit Nick, and Brian in their room because Katie couldn't stand to be near Mandy right now, and she wanted to get to know the guys a little better.

Katie brushed her hair and put on her Adidas shoes. She trudged out of the room, and down the hall the room #213. She quickly rapped on the door. She heard Brian yell from inside, "It's open!!" Katie quietly opened the door and stepped inside the room. She couldn't believe how messy it was!! In the 8 hours that they had been there, the room looked like a tornado had just ran through it!!

Brian was sitting in front of the TV with Nick. They were playing a video game, Mario Kart. Brian quickly glanced behind him and saw Katie standing there nervously. "Oh hey Katie!!!!" he exclaimed. "Hi Brian!!" Katie replied. Nick then turned away from the game too, "Yo!!". "So why are you here??" Brian asked. "Oh, ummmmmm... I was just wondering, could I just chill here for a while??" she replied hopefully. "Sure. Just as long as you don't mind putting up with this mess." Brian said looking around the room. "Thanks, I don't care about the mess either, it kinda reminds me of home." Katie replied giggling a little, and sitting down on the couch behind Nick who sat on the floor.

"Nick here says he's the King of Mario Kart, he said that he could beat anyone!!" Brian said. "Oh yeah??? Well I just happen to not be too bad at that game. Mind if I try??" Katie asked picking up the controller. "This is going to be so easy." Nick mumbled to himself. "Don't be so confident Nick, you may be surprised!!" Katie said, punching him in the shoulder. "Owww!! Jeaz, you sure punch hard for a girl!!" Nick whined. "Oh shutup you baby!!" Katie replied sarcastically. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hahahahah!! I beat you again!! Why don't you just give up Nick?? You're not going to be able to beat me!!" Katie screamed. Brian sat on the couch beside Katie laughing at Nick's pouty face. "Oh, poor Nick!! He just got beat by a girl!!" Katie said pretending to pout like Nick, and sticking out her bottom lip. "So, what do you guys wanna do know??" Brian asked. "I dunno, there isn't really anything planned for tonight is there??" Katie asked. "Nope, I don't think there's anything until tomorrow morning." Brian replied. "I'm starved do you guys wanna get something to eat?" Nick asked. "Sure, come to think of it, I haven't eaten since this morning." "Is that ok with you B??" Nick asked. "Sure, where do you guys wanna go??" "Doesn't matter to me, just as long as the food's good." "Ok, then lets just go to M'cey Dee's!!" Katie got up off the couch and brushed herself off. She was having a lot of fun hanging out with the guys. She almost enjoyed hanging out with them more than the girls. "Oh shoot!! I didn't bring my sweater. I don't wanna go back to the room and risk waking Steph up, Or she'll have my head!!" Katie realized. "Well, here. You can borrow one of mine." Nick said throwing a navy Tommy sweater at her. "Thanx" Katie replied slipping the sweater over her head. 'Mmmmmm... this sweater smells so good!'Katie thought to herself. "Ok, you guys ready??" Brian yelled from the bathroom where he was fixing his hair. "Yep." Katie replied slipping on her shoes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Katie, Nick and Brian were all heading down to the lobby, when they were interrupted. "Hey guys!! Where ya goin??" AJ asked, peeking out from his room. "Oh hey AJ!! We're just going to get some chow." Nick replied. "Good, I'm starving, I'm coming too." AJ replied slipping on his jacket. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Everyone piled into Brian's jeep. Katie and AJ in the back (since they were the smallest) and Nick and Brian in the front. Brian started the engine. Katie sat back in her seat and sighed, 'Jeaz, why do these guys have to be so wonderful?' Katie asked herself. Just then, Katie's favourite song (What a girl wants, by Christina Aguilera) came on the radio. She began to sing along: "What a girl wants, what a girls needs, whatever makes me happy, sets you free. What a girl wants, what a girl needs, whatever keeps me in your arms..." Katie sang. The guys just laughed at Katie's over-exxagerated rendition of the song. When the song ended, Katie just leaned back in her seat as if nothing had ever happened. "Hey, that was pretty good Katie," Brian said, "I especially liked the Operatic singing!!" Brian joked. "Oh shaddup!!! Just cuz I'm the queen of karoake!! You all are just jealous!!" Katie bragged sarcastically. "Oh thats right, its all jealousy!!" Nick sarcastically replied.