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Within 20 minutes they arrived at a McDonalds. They all filed out of the jeep and went inside. Once everyone had ordered their food, they sat down at a booth. Katie and Nick on one side, AJ and Brian on the other.

"So, are you guys dating anyone??" Katie asked just out of curiosity.

"Well, me and Nick aren't at the moment, but AJ is." Brian replied.

"Oooooh!! And who is this lucky girl AJ??" Katie asked inquisitively.

"Her name's Rachael. She's really nice, and fun. You should meet her sometime." AJ replied shyly. "Cool, I'd love to meet her."

"What about you Katie, who's the lucky guy??" Brian asked excitedly.

"There is no 'lucky-guy'. I'm like so single, its not even funny anymore!!!!" Katie replied rather embarassed.

"Really, I would've thought that you'd be taken already!!" Nick replied. 'Yes!!! she's single!!' he thought to himself.

"Nope. I think that guys are like scared of me or something, cuz I've only ever had like 1 boyfriend. And that relationship ended within like a month!!" Katie replied rather sadly.

"Believe me, we are anything but scared of you!!" Nick blurted. 'What's that supposed to mean??' Katie thought, giving Nick an odd look. Brian realized that Katie was kind of shy talking about relationships , so he decided to change the subject.

"So you have family back home???" Brian asked.

"Yep, a pretty big one too. There's 7 of us. That's including my mom." Katie replied. "Cool, thats kinda like my family!! How many brothers and sisters do you have??" Nick said happily. "I have 2 brothers, Dallas and Nathan. Dallas is 17 and Nathan's 11. I have an older sister, Kim, she's 23. And two younger sisters, Natalie and Eryka. Natalie's 14 and Eryka's 11 too. Eryka and Nathan are twins." Katie replied, listing them off on her fingers.

"Hey! That's a lot like my family!!" Nick said flashing Katie one of his million dollar smiles. 'Is he flirting with me?? Oh my god, I think he is!!' Katie asked herself. "Cool!" was all she said, she was too confused to say anything more lengthly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Everyone ate their food rather slowly as a result of having laugh-attacks over Brian's hilarious Donald-Duck impressions. Nick couldn't help but stare at Katie, she looked so cute when she laughed. 'Jeaz, she is so perfect!' Nick thought to himself. 'Why is he staring at me?? Do I have ketchup on my face or something??' Katie thought. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Later, when they were back at Brian's apartment, they decided to watch a movie. AJ went back to his room, "I gotta go call Rachael. She'll be wondering where I am. Catcha guys later. Nice talking to you Katie!!" AJ shouted, leaving the room. "See ya AJ!!"

"So what movie are we gonna watch??" Nick asked. "I dunno. But not anything to action-packed, I don't think Katie'll wanna watch it then." Brian replied. "Sure I would. Just cuz I'm a girl, doesn't mean we have to watch chick-flicks all night!!" Katie interrupted. "Are you sure??" Nick asked. 'Finally, a girl who actually doesn't mind watching action movies!!' Nick thought. "Really, its fine. I don't mind at all." Katie replied happily. "Ok, then we'll watch 'Disturbing Behavior'" Brian said.

Katie sat down on the couch, resting her head on a pillow. Nick took a seat beside her (of course!!), and Brian sat on the loveseat. The movie began, but Nick couldn't peel his eyes from Katie. She looked so perfectly happy and peaceful, with her eyes glued to the screen. 'Jeaz, there he goes again looking at me!! I gotta admit though, I certainly don't mind!!' Katie thought. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was 11:30pm. when the movie ended. Nick glanced over to look at Katie, but she had fallen asleep, Nick smiled. He got up from the couch, and placed a blanket over her. Brian walked into the livingroom, from the kitchen and saw Nick place the blanket on Katie. "I think your in love!!" Brian whispered, trying not to wake Katie.

"Yeah right!!"

"Whatever!! I saw the way you look at her. And that is definately what I call love!!!" Brian replied. Nick couldn't help but blush, he knew that he wouldn't be able to fool Brian any longer.

"Alright, alright!! So I think the girl's nice, what can I say??" Nick said.

"Just nice????"

"Well, ok. More than nice, lets say adorable."

"Sure, I know what you mean. She is really nice, and she isn't at all bad looking either!!" Brian replied.

"I'll say, she's down-right hot!!"

"You really like her huh???" Brian asked.

"Course I do. Why would I have any reason not to??" Nick replied.

"Do you think she likes you??"

"I dunno, I just don't think she was picking up any of my signals, thats all." Nick replied.

Brian looked at Nick and then to Katie,"You would make a cute couple." he said.

Nick just smiled a little while Brian laughed at him. 'This boy's got it bad!!' he thought.

"Well anyway, I'm hitting the sack. Night!!" Brian said. "Night B!!"

Nick took one more quick glance at Katie before shutting off the lights. "Sweet Dreams Katie!!" he whispered, and left the room.

"G'night Nick." Katie replied.