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Katie woke up at 7:00 the next morning, as the alarm on her watch went off. She sat up, then she realized that she was still on the couch in Nick and Brian's hotel room. She rubbed her eyes and got up from the couch. She went to the bathroom, where she washed her face and brushed her hair. She decided that she should go back to her room and get fresh clothes on etc. So, she would just leave Nick and Brian a note to tell them where she had gone. She grabbed a peice of junk paper and a pencil and quickly scribbled:

Nick & Brian, Just went back to my room to get cleaned up. We have a dance lesson today, so catch u2 babes later! Katie

She tucked the note under a cup on the counter, and quietly left the room. She walked down the hall, and quickly slipped into Stephanie and hers room. Stephanie was sitting on her bed watching tv. "Hey Sexy!!!, finally come back to visit me hey??" Steph asked.

"Yep, I just was in Nick and Brian's room last night. I fell asleep when we watched a movie." Katie explained.

"Oh, you are so lucky!!! So, your like getting to be pretty good friends with them then hey??" Steph asked.

"Yeah, I guess so. They're really nice when you get to know them, and they're really fun to hang out with!!" Katie replied happily.

"Cool, maybe next time I can come too!!"

"Yeah that'd be great!! Then you could get to know 'your lover' Brian more!!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Katie and Steph dressed for their first dance lesson with the guys choreographer, Fatima. They grabbed their keys, etc. and left the room. They met Mandy and Tyra down in the lobby. Katie and Mandy were still not talking, since their fight. The girls drove in Katie's Camaro to the studio (Editors Note- I don't know how Katie's Camaro got to Chicago, but oh well.) They got to the studio within 15 minutes, and were relieved when they realized that they had exactly 10 minutes until their rehearsal began. They all entered the building and Katie signed them in at the desk. "Hi!! I'm Katie Halladay, and we have a lesson with Fatima scheduled for 9:00." Katie introduced herself. "Thank you." Katie replied. The girls walked down the hall and entered the studio. They were instantly greeted by a women who they assumed was Fatima.

"Hi!! You must be the new girls!! I'm Fatima."

"Hi!! I'm Katie."

"I'm Tyra."

"I would be Stephanie."

"And, I'm Mandy."

"Well, its nice to finally meet you all. Now, I know this is all going to be kind of new to you, but your just going to have to put in your best effort today ok??"

"Sure, we're ready for it." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~Meanwhile~ Brian and Nick had just woken up. Nick stumbled out of the bed, and noticed Katie's note on the counter. He read it. "Brian, Katie left a note saying she'll catch us later!!" Nick yelled to Brian who was in the bathroom. "Oh!!"

Nick sat down on the couch, and noticed that Katie had forgotten her sunglasses on the coffee table. He picked them up and admired them, 'Hmmmm...She's got good taste!' Nick thought, putting the glasses back down. Nick clicked on the television, and tried to pay attention to the show he was watching. Katie's face just kept flashing through his mind. 'Jeaz, why can't I just forget her!! She won't go out with me anyway!!' Nick thought. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Meanwhile, Fatima was working the girls hard with the dance routine for 'Girls just Wanna Have Fun'. Katie had no idea that just dancing would be so tiring!! She and Stephanie had been in dancing before so luckily, they were familiar with some of the steps. Yet, Tyra and Mandy were fumbling and tripping left and right, not knowing exactly how to do certain things. Katie couldn't help but laugh when Mandy fell flat on her butt when she was trying to do a cart wheel. 'Here's my chance.' Katie thought. She approached Mandy and offered Mandy her hand to get up. Mandy smiled at Katie and took her hand. Katie helped her back to her feet. "Thanx, maybe you can show me how to do it??" Mandy asked willingly. Katie was relieved to hear Mandy's voice directed to her once again. She smiled and gladly gave Mandy some pointers on performing a cartwheel. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The girls had finished their dance lesson by 3:00 that afternoon, and now had to go to the studio, where they would have a rehearsal for the song, "Your face". The girls all once again piled into Katie's Camaro. Yet, this time Mandy was sitting in shotgun. Stephanie got into the car and was surprised to hear Katie and Mandy laughing over god-knows-what!! "Ummmm...I see u 2 are getting along better!!" Steph said, happy that her 2 friends weren't going to be fighting anymore. "Yep!! Looks like!!" Mandy replied in mid-laugh.

It took Katie about 20 minutes to drive to the studio. Katie had the windows rolled down and the tunes pumping loudly. All-in-all the girls were having a wonderful time so far (despite all the hard dancing, and the now-forgotten fight). They pulled up to the enormous building. "Wowweee!! We're working for high-class now aren't we??" Katie gasped.

"Are u sure this is the right place??" Tyra asked, not believing her eyes. This building was humungous!!

"Yep!!! 2135 Hartwood Avenue. This is the right place!!" Katie replied hardly believing her own words.

"Well, I guess we better go in if we don't wanna be late!!" Steph interrupted, leading the way.

"Ok, you guys. We gotta act like proffesionals, we gotta have class!" Mandy instructed. Katie couldn't help but laugh at Mandy's sudden authority!!

"Shaddup!!" Mandy said jokingly as the girls walked inside.

The inside was even more spectacular then the outside!! There were mirrors everywhere, and the ceiling was beautifully sculpted. "Holy shit!!" was all Katie could whisper to Steph. Steph couldn't help but giggle a little at Katie's comment. "Ok, you guys wait here!!! I'll go sign us in, to see where we have to go!!" Mandy said, walking up to the counter making sure to have good posture!!

Just then, as the girls sat down, Katie heard familiar voices coming from down the hall. She turned to look, and guess who she saw?? Yes!! It was the guys (Kevin, Howie, AJ, Nick and Brian). They were talking about something and walking straight towards her. Katie suddenly felt extremely nervous!!

"Are they coming over here to talk to us??" Tyra whispered.

"Yep!!" Katie whispered back excitedly.

"Shoot!! Thats what I was afraid of. I won't know what to say!!"

Just as Katie was about to reply she was interrupted. "Hey Katie!! The guys and I just wanted to drop by to hear some of your material, and just to say hi!!" Nick said warmly.

"Thanx!! But you really didn't have to.!!" Katie replied, while she couldn't help but blush a little as Nick contently stared into her eyes. 'Gosh she's so beautiful!! I can't get over it!!' Nick thought.

"Ok you guys!! It's Studio C9!! Lets go!!" Mandy yelled from across the hall. Tyra, Steph and Katie rose from their seats, and proceeded to walk down the hall, with the guys directly at their heels!!!