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Chapter 1

"Jess I'm out of here!!" I yelled up the stairs to my roommate, Jessica. We were the best of friends since the seventh grade, now we were both 18 and living in sunny Florida. It was so great here, the hot weather all year around, the beaches, the half naked guys on all the beaches. Anyhow, Jess was so sweet, always trying to find the silver lining in the situation. I guess you could call her an optimist. I, however, on the other hand am sort of the pessimist at times. But sometimes there is just no good side to the situation.

"Do you want me to pick you up?" she yelled back down.

"No. You go have fun with Jeff, but not too much fun, and don't stay out too late."

"Yes mother. Bye, have fun at work!''

''Yeah, right. See ya." And with that said I left. I worked at Virgin Megastore with my friend Erin and we really liked working there cause we got a 40% workers discount, but that's beside the point, we just didn't like our boss. He was a bitch and a half, dude. After my shift was over at ten Jeremy, my boyfriend, was supposed to pick me up. Stupid retard forgot so I had to walk home at night all by myself causing at no one in particular the whole way. Right as I got to my door and tried to find my keys, no. Just to add to the whole night, I locked my keys in the friggin house. As if my day didn't suck ass enough, I had to lock my m-f-ing keys in the house. I stomped out to the curb to wait for Jess to come home, when all the sudden it started pouring down rain. I was so frustrated, all I could do was sit there and cry.

"Why is this happening to me? Why can't I have a boyfriend who can remember to pick his girlfriend up, why does my life always have to do this?" I cried to myself. At least three cars drove by splashing mud all over me, which didn't really bother me. I was too tired, upset, and lazy to care or get up and move. Finally a car stopped. It was a black Prowler, one of the nicest cars I have ever seen. Man I thought the car was nice, the guy inside was even better. He was tall with blonde hair and bright azure eyes. They were gorgeous, as was he. He had on a pair of big baggy jeans and a wife beater, showing off a shark tattoo on his nice, muscular left arm. He rolled down the window and looked at me.

"Are you okay?" he asked me in this deep sexy voice that made me melt right there.

"I don't know." I said still crying.

"Well why are you sitting out in the rain?"

"Because I'm locked out of my house. My roommate should be home in about an hour or so though." I said smiling slightly.

"Well, why don't you come to my house and get warmed up. If you stay out here you'll catch a cold." he said, concern showing in his voice.

"Naw, I'll just wait here till Jess gets home. I don't want to intrude on your family or anything like that."

"Well first of all, I live alone, second of all, you wouldn't be intruding, and third of all, I am not going to let you sit out here all by yourself, in the pouring rain, at night." he said getting out of the car and helping me off the curb. I reluctantly got into his car and he went around to the other side. He got in and looked at me, then smiled. 'Not only is he totally gorgeous he has perfect teeth and a million dollar smile too. Geez, what more can a girl ask for?' I thought to myself. The ride to his house was spent in silence. When we got to his house there were two other cars outside in the driveway.