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Chapter 2

"I thought you said you lived alone." I inquired.

"I do. Those are mine too." he said and got out. I followed him into the house, which was huge. It was guarded by an eight foot privacy fence around the yard, and an electric gate barricading the driveway. The guy left and walked upstairs when it hit me. I didn't even know this guys name, and he didn't know mine. Soon enough I heard him stomping down the steps, and then he appeared.

"Here put these on. You need to get out of those wet clothes before you catch pneumonia. You can change in the first room on your left." he said while looking me over and handing me a pair of swishy pants and an oversized Nike sweatshirt. They were his clothes!

"Thank you." I walked down the hallway and found the bathroom. I changed into his clothes and came out. He was just pulling something out of the microwave.

"Your clothes are huge on me." I commented, laughing slightly.

" Well, that's because you're littler than I am." he chuckled. He handed me a hot steaming bowl of soup. " Here, eat this. It'll warm you up."

"What is it?"

"Chicken soup."

"I'm not really hungry."

"I don't care. You need to eat something. The warmth of the soup will help prevent you from catching a cold." he stated matter of factly.

"Fine." I reluctantly took the soup and started eating it. He led me to a small brick overhang in front of the fireplace where we sat down.

"So, I brought you to my house, you're wearing my clothes, eating my food, and I don't even know your name." he stifled a small laugh.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! My name is Nicole. Nicole Rush." I said feeling embarrassed.

"It's okay, really. My name is Nick Carter. It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. I really appreciate you letting me chill here for a while, but I really should get back before my roommate sends out a search party for me."

"Okay, that's cool. But one quick question."


"Can I have your number so I can keep in touch with you? Ya know, see how you're doin."

"Sure. Here" I grabbed a pen and started to write my number on his palm. ' Wow, he has really soft hands. I bet they would feel so good giving me a full body massage. And they're so big. His fingers are so long and skinny. You know what they say about a man with long fingers' I thought to myself. What am I thinking, I don't even know this guy very well. Of course I could get to know him. His beautiful voice broke through my thoughts.

"Ready to go?" he asked.