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Chapter 3

*Back at Jess and my beach house*

"I'm home!" I hollered as I walked in and threw my shoes in the closet. Jess came stomping down the stairs.

"Where have you been! I was worried sick about you! You should have called or paged me or something! Wait a minute, who's clothes are those?"

"Calm down girl. These are Nick's clothes. I totally forgot I had them on." I said admiring the oversized clothes that I was wearing. 'I wouldn't mind wearing these clothes more often' I thought to myself.

"Who the hell is Nick, and why are you wearing his clothes? Nicole, did you have sex with him?" Jess asked me seriously.

"NO!!!!!! Oh my God! I can't believe you would ask me such a thing. Nick is the guy who was nice enough to pick me up and take me to his house. He didn't want me to get sick from sitting out in the rain waiting for you to get home. You see...." I proceeded to tell Jess the story about how Jeremy forgot me and Nick kept me warm and all that good stuff. She understood, and we went to bed for the night. The next day we went to meet the guys at campus, however things didn't go as planned. We got there and found the guys. We went up to them and the first thing that happened was Jeremy started to apologize to me.

"Baby, I'm so sorry about not picking you up. But I had other things on my mind and it just got to be too much for me to handle, it just slipped my mind. Forgive me?" he asked as he put his arm around me and kissed my cheek.

"Ya, know Jeremy, no. I don't forgive you. Do you know what all you've put me through?" I asked pushing his arm away from me.

"Yeah, Jeff. Do you know how much money you owe me all together?" Jess asked almost as pissed as I was.

"How much?"

"Over a grand."

"What have I put you through?" he asked trying to sound like he cared, but failing dramatically.

"Well to start off, the last time you didn't have better things to do was when we went to your rents house for the first time. You never call, you never send me flowers, I bet you don't even know when my birthday is. Do you realize that I'm a human being and I have feelings? I don't think you do, I think you only think of yourself. So I have a simple solution to a stupid problem. It's over between the two of us and I never want to see you ever again! Do you understand?" I yelled uncontrollably.

"What did you say?! Oh, no, you did not just break up with me. I will not have that." he drew back his fist and hit me in the jaw, causing it to immediately bleed profusely. I fell to the ground and held my mouth. Jess stood up for me, like I knew she would.

"Oh, you think you're a big tough MAN cause you can hit a girl and make her fall to the ground?! Well give Coley a week to recover from the damage you just did to her and she'll kick your ass. You wait till Nick hears about this. You asshole." she yelled up at him. (Jess is short. About 5'5) He looked astonished.