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Chapter 4

"Nick?! Who's Nick?" he looked at me. He reached down and pulled me off the ground by my shirt collar. He pulled me up to his face and looked me in the eye with a nasty look on his face.

"Have you been cheating on me? Is Nick your new lover, cause if he is, so help me I'll kill him and you."

"Nick is the guy who picked me up from the pouring rain when you forgot." I snapped. Bad idea, I knew from the look on his face that it was bad. He hit me again in the mouth, which didn't help the bleeding any.

"Jeremy, don't you EVER touch her again, or I swear to God I'll beat the living shit out of you. And Jeff, this is over between the two of us. End of discussion. Come on Coley, you need a doctor." Jess said as she helped me up off the ground and out to her car. We drove to the nearest hospital and ran in.

"My friend needs a doctor. She got hit in the mouth twice and I think she might need stitches." Jess frantically told one of the nurses.

"Okay, right this way miss." she said to me. I followed her into a room. A doctor came in and stitched my mouth up, which hurt like an m-f-er. Jess came in and gave me a huge teddy bear from the gift shop. I tried to say thanx, but couldn't talk.

"I have someone who wants to see you." she said with a mischievous grin on her face. Just then the door flew open and in came Nick. Just the person I wanted to see. If there was anyone who could make the excruciating pain go away by just walking in, it was him. He gave me a huge stuffed puppy holding a heart that said get well soon.

"I'll leave you two alone now." Jess said, yet again grinning evilly. She left and I turned back to Nick. Once again I tried to utter a thank you, but nothing came out. It hurt to much to move my mouth.

"Ssshhh. Don't talk. It probably hurts to much." he smiled warmly. I tried to grin back only to wince in pain. He just gave me a sympathetic look and brushed the hair out of my face. He leaned down and kissed me on the forehead. I was shocked, but didn't really mind. He gave me a concerned look and asked how it happened. I tried to respond only this time it actually worked. I managed to mumble semi-coherantly the story and by the time I was done, I had tears in my eyes.

"Don't cry, please. I hate it when you cry. I've only seen you cry twice, but a pretty girl like you shouldn't cry. You should smile." he said sweetly. I was taken aback. Did he just say I was pretty? Wow! I never thought I would hear him say that. But he did, and I was on cloud nine. He said he was going to leave and go get food. He asked me if I wanted anything, but I wasn't allowed to have any solid foods yet. Later that night I was released from the hospital and Nick said I was more than welcome to stay with him. I accepted, only cause Jess insisted that I do. I went to his house and the pain killers were starting to wear off. Nick noticed my look of discomfort.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"The drugs are wearing off."

"Do you want me to get you something?"

"Do you have advil?"

"Yeah, hang on." he went and got me advil and came back with a glass of water. When I took the advil, I thanked him and he smiled that million dollar smile again. Does he have to look so sexy?