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Chapter 6

Nervously before becoming serious again.

"Go ahead." I said.

"Okay, here goes. I practiced this in front of my bathroom mirror like a million times and now here I am, with you and I go all weak. I have liked you since the first time I saw you sitting on the curb crying that night. Then I took you home with me and took care of you. You looked so cute in my clothes, the way you smile all the time makes me happy too. Your beautiful hair blows in the wind and it makes me feel like I've never felt before." he stopped and looked at me. I nodded my head and smiled to let him know I was getting what he was saying. He took a deep breath and continued. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that I wanna know ........ well I was wondering ........ oh, will you be my girlfriend?" he finally spat out. At first I didn't know what to say, so I just sat there and stared at him in shock. Finally he got up and started for the front door.

"Ya know what, this was a bad idea. Maybe we should just say goodbye now. It was nice to have met you......." he began, but I cut him off.

"Nick, no. I would love to be your girlfriend. I just didn't think you would like a girl like me. I mean you could do so much better. Why me?"

"Nicole," he began walking over and putting his arms around my waist, "you are perfect for me. You are sweet, and funny, and smart, not to mention gorgeous. Why wouldn't I want you?"

"I'm not that pretty." I said blushing emensly.

"You are to me. On the inside and the outside." he said sweetly as he ran his hand across my cheek. "So now that we have that settled, would you be my girlfriend, Nicole?" he looked at me hopefully.

"I would love to Nick." I said leaning up for another kiss. Just as we were starting to get really into it, Jess walked in the door. She stopped dead in her tracks and turned around.

"Wow, sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt the face sucking contest. I'm really sorry." I could tell she was totally humiliated.

"It's okay, really. You should get used to Nick and I doing that. Since we're going out now and all." I said breaking the news. She couldn't believe we we're going out and was so happy for me because I moved on from Jeremy. The next day Nick came over to my house and said he had a plan for us to hook Jess up with his best friend Brian. It seemed like a good idea to me, so we called Brian and told him. Being the cool, laid back guy that he is, he agreed. That night Jess and Bri went out on a get-to-know kind of date with each other. Apparently they really got to know each other cause when Bri brought Jess home that night ....... boy that was some good night kiss. Nick and I chuckled to each other. We thought it was so cute.

~Six Months later~

"Honey, wake up." Nick whispered into my ear. I pushed him away and rolled over. That boy is relentless. He was whispering in my ear again ten seconds later. I put a pillow over my head and tried to go back to sleep. Nick picked me up and carried me like a baby down the the couch. He threw me on there and stood above me looking down.