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Chapter 11 Don’t Do Anything Stupid

After a couple of hours of long, steamy, passionate kissing and holding eachother, the two of us pulled ourselves together, expecting Shadia and AJ to walk in at any moment.

Looking intensely into my eyes he said, "You are so amazing."

"No, sweetie. You are the amazing one."

"Ok, fine then, we are both amazing..but I have to say you are even more so than I." He said, pulling me closer to him on the couch, and kissing me again.

"We'd better stop this, or else we'll end up back in my bed and then who knows what could happen!" I said, looking at him with a grin.

"But Drey, you are so tempting..." He whined.

"I know it.." I said, giving him a playful smile and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Did I mention conceited?" He questioned, giving me another kiss.

Just then, the door to the hotel room opened. In walked two bodies, Shadia and AJ.

"Where the hell have you guys been?" I asked, jumping up. "It's almost 3:30 in the freakin' morning!"

"We were out on the beach, if we must tell you.." Shadia informed me, sounding a bit annoyed. "And if you must know, we aren't staying here...we're going back to AJ's room. He has requested that I stay the night with him.."

I didn't say anything, because I knew that if I did, she would get upset, even more so then what she was now. And really, I had no room to be telling her what to do. So I kept quiet until they left.

"Nick, do you really think it is a good idea for them to be spending the night together in AJ's room?"

"I don't see any harm in it. He isn't drunk and he wouldn't do anything to hurt her, even if he was." Nick assured me.

"I guess it is just hard for me to see her go with him, into his room, alone, with no one else around. I've known her for so long and I know that she is a very trusting person and that can be good sometimes, but guys have their way with sweet talkin' her and she gives in and in the end, she only ends up hurt." I explained.

"Sweetheart, AJ won't take advantage of her. I promise you that. I've known him for a long time now and he has never ever taken advantage of any woman. He has too much respect for them, and he has also learned a lot with growing up with just his mom.." Nick reassured me.

"Can't we just go down there and check on them? Please?!" I begged him.

"Sure, if it makes you feel better.." Nick said sweetly, taking my hand, grabbing the key to my room and leading me to AJ's.

We knocked on the door and waited for an answer, when no one came to the door after about 5 knocks, I got worried and started pounding and yelling.

"OMG Nick! Do you know what this means?" I screamed. Once I holored the whole hallway was looking out, from behind their doors.

"What's going on out here, Nick?" A body guard asked, walking up to him.

"Nothing, just nevermind, the party is over, go back to bed!" He yelled down the hallway to everyone and not just his body guard.

A lady walked out of her room in her slippers and curlers, "Is everything ok Miss?"

"Ye..yeah...everything is fine." I stammered, looking over at Nick. "You can all go back to your rooms now."

I began to bang again, once all the doors to the rooms were closed.

"Shadia...AJ, open up! Come on..." I screamed, yet in a lower pitch that before.

"What's up man??" AJ asked, walking up behind Nick and I.

"Oh thank God!" I cried out. "Wait...where is Shadia?"

"She is in there taking a shower...why, what do you need?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to make sure she was ok.." I answered and turned around to head down to the elevators. I felt so dumb, and I didn't want to have to face AJ, because I knew he would have just cracked a joke.