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Chapter 12 Like I Said, A Quick Beginning

"Are you ok sweetie?" Nick asked once we were in our room.

"Yeah, I'm ok.." I answered. "Will you stay with me tonight? I dont wanna be alone and I would miss you too much."

"You know I will, Dreyah." He said embracing me with a hug.

"Come on, let's go upstairs...I am gonna change into my pajamas.." I informed him and grabbed his hand, leading him up the steps.

I took my shirt off, and standing there in nothing but a bra and my knee knockers, Nick walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around my waste and kissed my neck. His hands traveled down my stomach, to my pants, where he unbottoned and unzipped them, slid them off, and in the process made sure to rub his hands up and down my outter thighs and my stomach. Turning around, I put my hands up his shirt and onto his chest where I eased it up and over his head. His body was definitely smooth and in shape. When his shirt was off, I continued to go for the khakis, once they were off, he was in nothing but boxers and I, myself was in nothing but my bra and underware.

The kissing that was going on earlier, was going on even more intensely now. His hands and lips were all over my body and my hands and lips were all over his.

"Oh baby, you have no idea how much I want you right now..." I told him.

"Oh Drey, but I do...I want you just as much..." He said, backing me up against the wall.

"Ooooh... Nick!" I moaned wrapping my leg around his waist, pulling him closer to my body where I could feel him hard.

"You have no idea what you're doing to you?" He asked, smiling, knowing that I could tell.

"Oh but I do, I can definitely feel it." I said reaching down and stroking him.

"Uh..." He sighed in pleasure. He let his hands down by my butt and pulled me closer and closer into him, each time, with alittle more effort.

Both of us moaning in pleasure, I wrapped both legs around him and he pressed me closer and closer to the wall, to get as compact as possible. Backing away from the wall, with my legs still wrapped around him, he carried me over to the bed, laying me down gently, he climbed on top of me, kissing my neck and unhooking my bra.

He looked questionable.

I shook my head and began to take off his boxers.

"Are you sure you're ready sweetie?" He asked before going in.

"I'm sure..I have never been more sure about anything." And I began to cry from the pure happiness.

We moaned in pleasure as we made love. It was as if two became one, not knowing where one began and the other started.