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CHAPTER 2  The Flight

It seemed like only seconds before the alarm clock rang out monotonously. I
turned over and sleepily pressed snooze.

Minutes later the beeping came back. I turned it off and climbed out of bed.

"Shadia...we gotta get ready." I shook her awake.

She mumbled and climbed out of bed. "You would think for something like this,
I would be wide awake, but going to bed at 3 in the morning and getting up at
5, well, it just doesn't cut it..."

"You're telling me.." I said, running my fingers through my hair and yawning.

When we were finished getting ready, we went downstairs, only to find my
parents fully dressed and ready to go. "You two look tired..." my mom stated
looking us up and down.

"Yeah, no kidding...maybe if you hadn't kept us up last night talking..we
would be fine." I said jokingly.

Shadia and my parents laughed. "Well excuse us for wanting to spend time with
you before you left." They said.

"It's perfectly fine." I smiled warmly at the both of them.

"Yep, we can sleep on the way there.." Shadia finished.

"Alright then, what are we waiting for?" My dad asked. "Let's go."

"Let's go.." My mom repeated.

Shadia and I grabbed two of our bags, my dad grabbed one of mine and my mom
grabbed Shadia's other one and we piled into the car.

When we reached the airport it was 40 minutes after 6 and the flight wasn't
until 7, so we had some time to wait.

As we waited, we talked with my mom and dad. Shadia and I also went through
our check list and made sure we had everything.

"Knee knockers?" She asked.

"Check." I replied



"Tank tops?


"Baby Tees?"



"Toothbrush and Toothpaste?"


Just then, "Flight 227 Tampa to the Bahamas, now boarding, Flight 227 Tampa
to the Bahamas, now boarding." The flight attendant rang out over the loud

"That's us!" Shadia squealed.

"Yep, that's you guys." My mom said. "Have fun sweetheart." She then said
hugging me.

"Yeah baby, have a good time." My dad pulled me into a hug.

They both hugged Shadia and told her the same thing.

"This is it!" I declared excitedly once we took our seats.

"Yeah baby! This is it!" She shrieked.

Once everyone was seated the flight attendant then came over the loud speaker
on the plane and told us to buckle our seatbelts and prepare for take off.
Once we were in the air, Shadia and I unbuckled and began to chat non-stop.
The energy we lacked at the airport seemed to of faded.

"I can't believe we are going to the you realize how many hot
guys we are going to meet?" I asked.

"Oh my God, I know!"

"It's so great that our parents agreed to this." I put in.

After talking for a while we both decided to go to sleep. We needed at least
an hour of sound sleep before getting there and going out to explore.

About and hour and a half later, the lady came on over the speaker telling us
to fasten our seatbelts again and to prepare for landing.