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CHAPTER 3  Meeting Nick

When we entered the hotel, there was a huge chandelier hanging in the middle,
gold and shimmery, beautiful, with the front desk just beyond it. On both
sides there were staircases leading up to the second level of the hotel. Off
to the right of the desk, were three elevators, that took you up to each of
the 13 floors.

At once, we went to our room, number 569, it was extravagant. When you walked in there was a wide open space and against the back wall there was a balcony which when you overlooked it, you could see the water view. It was blue and sparkly clean, and fresh. There was a small refridgerator and a microwave. It even had a couch and two chairs. Then, when you walked up about 10 steps, there were two king sized beds, two dressers with four drawers in each, a small table with chairs against the far wall, and a bathroom with two sinks a shower and a bath.

"Oh my gosh, this place is absolutely wonderful. I love it already and I have only been here like 20 minutes." Shadia stated in aww. "You're telling me. I can't wait to explore, so get your ass up and let's get moving." She demanded.

I got up and the two of us unpacked. I finished unpacking first, so I got in the shower, blew dried my hair and curled it so that it was laying in long, blonde, locks down my back. I brushed my teeth and applied my make up.

As I waited for Shadia to get ready, I decided to go downstairs and get a pop.

"Damnit, this stupid machine took my money.!" I said beating on the vending machine.

"Excuse me, did you say you lost your money?" I heard a male voice question from behind me.

"Yeah, the stupid thing must be stuck..." I said turning around to find a familiar face, a blonde haired boy with sparkling eyes and a perfect, to-die-for smile.

"Here, let me try..." He offered, pressing the return change button. Nothing happened. He pressed it alittle harder the second time but still, nothing happened.

"It's ok if you can't get it." I said with a smile. "I can just go and buy a pop or something at the gas station across the street.

"I'll get it." He said. I had to giggle at his determination. After a couple more tries with the return change button, he pulled 75 cents out of his pocket and stuck it into the machine. "What was it that you wanted?" He asked politely.

"I was gonna have an iced tea, but I think I'll settle with a Mountain Dew instead." I said, and then continued, "but you don't have to get it for me."

"Of course I do." He said unhesitantly.

"And why might that be?" I asked.

"Because, you are my damsel in distress and I am your knight in shining armor, or well...jeans, here to save you." He said sweetly looking down at his jeans.

"Wow, well, uh, if you put it that way...I can't say no.." I said flattered that the complete stranger was being so sweet.

The man just smiled and stretched out his hand, "I'm Nick.." he announced.

"And I am Dreyah. It's a pleasure to meet you Nick." I said stretching out my hand to return the gesture. Oh my god, I thought to myself, this is Nick Carter, Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys. Shadia would just die if she knew that he was here, and especially if AJ ended up being here too.

Nick smiled again at me. His smile made me want to melt. I had never been to keen on the BSB, but seeing him in real life, well..let's just say...DAMN! He looks fine!

Finally, he reached his goal of getting me a Mountain Dew, not to mention one for himself.

"Thanks Nick, I really appreciate it. I owe you.." I said

"So you're saying you wanna see me again?" He asked eying me carefully with a sly smile.

"I guess you could say that.." I said letting out a flirty giggle.

"Good, because I would like to see you again too." He replied.

"Oh shit! Shadia is probably ready..." I blurted out, remembering that she was back in the hotel room, probably waiting really impatiently.

"Shadia?" Nick asked confused.

"Yeah, she's my best friend. We came here just as alittle vacation." I explained.

"So it's just you and her staying in the Bahamas?" He asked.

"Yep yep yep, just the two of us and NO parents, which means late nights and all the partying we can handle."

"Sounds great. How long will you be here?" Nick inquired.

"Well as of now, 2 weeks, but when my parents were talking to Shadia and I last night, they said they may allow us to stay I guess we'll just have to see.." I answered with a smile and a nod of the head.

"Sounds great." He commented. "I suppose I will let you get back up to the room. I hope to see you around..." He said walking slowly away and looking a tad disappointed.

I didn't want to depart from him, there was just something about Nick that made me want more of the mysterious eyes and smile. "Hey, why don't you come back to the room with me?"

He turned around quickly, looking puzzled that I would suggest something like that so soon.

I laughed, "I guess that didn't come out right, did it?"

"Not exactly, but I liked it..." He said with a suggestive grin.

"Well what I meant to say...was that how would you like to come back to the room with me and meet Shadia...?!?!?" I asked in hopes of a yes.

"Actually, that does sound good. Brian and AJ are shopping, so why not?" He questioned.

"Exactly..come on. I think we have gotten acquainted enough with this stupid vending machine and not to mention eachother..." I joked.

"Good idea.." He said out stretching his arm, signaling me to go in front and lead him up to the room. I couldn't help but to wonder what his eyes were focused on...

When we got up to the room, Shadia was in the bathroom finishing up her hair. "Hey, I have someone for you to meet..." I said motioning her to come out of the bathroom.

She walked out of the bathroom and once she seen Nick, stopped dead in her tracks. Her mouth dropped and the curling iron that was in her hand, dropped to the ground.

Nick just smiled. "I'm Nick, and you must be Shadia..?!" He intrduced himself.

Shadia picked up the curling iron and regained her normal posture. "Yes, I am Shadia, it is nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too." He told her. I could tell she wanted to scream, but being in control of herself, she held it in.

"I'm gonna finish getting ready. The sooner I'm ready the sooner we can get out of here and explore." She said...running back into the bathroom.

"Excuse her, she isn't normally like that.." I laughed.

"It's alright. I've had worse first impressions." He said with a laugh. "So I am assuming you know who I am too?"

"Yeah, but I didn't want to make a big deal about it."I said not sure whether or not to feel bad.

"Thank you." He said sincerely.

"For what?" I asked confused.

"For not making a big deal about who I am.."

"Oh, no problem..I guess..." I said again..not really sure on how else to answer him.."So did you want to go out with us and possibly show us around since you've been here longer than us..?!"

"Sure..I'd love to show you two around.." Nick answered enthusiastically.

"Good, I was hoping you would say that." I said just as Shadia came downstairs. She was wearing blue jean shorts and a white spagetti strap tank top, almost as if a mirror to me, only I was wearing white jean shorts and a pink, white, silver and black tank top. "Is everyone ready?" I asked jumping up from the couch.

"Yep, let's roll..." Nick said walking in front of both Shadia and I.."Oh wait.." He said stopping short, "I have to go grab my wallet, I'll meet you both in the lobby, unless of course you wanna come with me..?!" He offered.

"We'll just meet you in the lobby.." Shadia informed him, "I want to get a pop anyway."

"Alright, sounds good.." He said taking off down the hall to elevators.

As Shadia and I took the stairs, she wouldn't shut up. "I can't believe you just picked him up and brought him back to the hotel without consulting me first." She freaked.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think it was a big deal..." I apologized sincerely.

"It wouldn't of been, if my hair would have been completely curled and my make up applied correctly.." She said breathlessly.

"Oh looked fine." I said relieved that she wasn't mad.

"So how did you pick him up anyhow?" She asked snapping out of dude dreamland.

"He bought me a pop out of the vending machine, because the stupid thing took my money. I thanked him and we got talking. It's wierd, I have never in my life grew so attached to someone, like I did with Nick..there is something about him..." I said day dreaming about determination in his voice and the smile on his face.

"Wait a minute, Nick Carter bought you a pop?" Shadia asked as if it were a big deal when we reached the pop machine.

" was no big deal.."

"What do you mean, NO BIG DEAL?" She squealed. "Do you know how many girls out there would LOVE to be in your place right about now, do you know how many girls would love to be in OUR place right now?"

I just laughed. "Chill..he is just a person..just like you and I.."

"I know..I am totally over reacting here..aren't I?" She said coming to her senses.. "But still..tons of girls would love to be in our places.."

"I know.." I said as we walked back into the lobby.

Nick was standing with his back to a display of brochures. Looking damn sexy I might add in his blue, jean shorts, orange tommy shirt and his backwards tommy hat. I am assuming that the hat was his way of incognito. "Ready?" He asked.

"Yep, let's roll.." I said excitedly linking my arm through his.