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Chapter 4 The Night Out

"So how long are you here for?" I asked as we walked along the coast toward the end of the night.

"We'll probably be here until the end of summer..." He answered.

I just smiled. It had been a long day, and I wasn't tired, yet I didn't know what else to do. We'd went shopping and he took us to a small cafe and we even went for a spin on a boat, to a castle and to a club for everyone of all ages. It was miraculously beautiful. I had never seen anything like it in my life. It was your average everyday club, but it had a pool table, ping pong and even a swimming pool and jacuzzi, it was extravogant, just like the rest of the places that we had visited. Basically he'd just shown us the main parts of the Bahamas. It was funny, he didn't live there, yet he seemed to know everything about the place. Not only had he been showing us around, but the 3 of us got to know eachother inside out. To me, it felt as if I knew Nick just as well as I had known Shadia for the 15 years she was in my life.

"I hate to be a party pooper, but I am worn out." Shadia informed us after walking a ways. "I think I am gonna go back to the hotel and go to bed."

"Then we can all go." Nick said wrapping his arm around the both of us.

"No, guys don't have to come back..I'll be fine.." She assured us.

"Well what if we want to come?" I asked.

"Well too bad...I don't want you to come with me.." She said.

"Well fine.."


"Now Now..come on girls..get a long..." Nick cut in..

"Nobody asked for your input.." I intruded.

"So I put it in anyway.." He said giving me the evil eye.

"Don't look at me like that."

"Like what?"

"With that evil eye..."

"Alright, alright already.." Shadia burst in. " I don't need the two of you fighting."

Nick and I laughed.

"Well listen guys..I am gonna go. I'm really drained and I need some sleep." She said giving me a hug whispering quietly in my ear "Stay here with him, get to know can tell you're dying too and I know he feels the same way..." It was a long breath, but quick, yet I understood. I gave her a friendly smile as she hugged Nick goodnight and then she disappeared down the coast. Luckily the hotel wasn't too far away and I told her that if she needed me, I had my cell phone with me drop me a note.

"Is she alright?" Nick asked concerned.

"Yeah, she's alright. I don't think she slept quite as well as I did on the flight she is just a lil jet lagged.." I assured him as we strolled along the coast. I loved the way he was always so sincere about things. I hadn't even known him for longer than a day and I could already tell that he was a wonderful person.

"That's good. But if she isn't, you can always go with her." He said.

"Oh, now I get the feeling you are trying to get rid of me.." I teased.

"Of course not." He said bumping my hip with his. "I am just saying that if she needs you, that's fine. I wouldn't want to keep you from something like that."

"I promise, she's fine." I told him again.

"Actually Drey, I was hoping that I would get to spend some time alone with you." He said smiling at me. The smile made me tense. I couldn't tell if it was friendly or off color. "I really enjoy spending time with you.." He continued. "You're an all around great person, happy, out-going, funny and not to mention sweeter than sugar. I'd really like to get to know you."

I let out a sigh of relief and a little giggle to what he said about about the sugar. There was no reason to be afraid, of course not. "Thank you." I said. "You're pretty amazing yourself. I find myself significantly comfortable with you which is amazing considering I don't trust to many people..." I paused, was I in the right to be telling him this. Is he going to take advantage of me now?

"Thank you Dreyah, you have no idea how much that means to me." He said pulling me in for a hug. I wasn't quite sure what just happened, but whatever it was, it didn't matter, I was in his arms and it felt good, not to! He smells good too!

When he released me from his tender grip, we began to walk again, only this time, hand in hand.

After walking in silence for quite some time, we ended up back in front of the hotel.

"I guess this is where the fun ends." He said sadly as we reached Shadia and I's room.

"Don't say that. There is always tomorrow and I do want to meet the friends of yours that you talk so much about..." I said not letting him get away so quickly. "Besides, who said I want to go in anyway?"

He smiled, "Well...looks like you, my lady, don't let anything or anyone get away, if you want it to stay.."

"That's right and in this case, I don't want you to get away." I said wrapping my arms around his waist. I could feel his arms slowly wrap themselves around me and I could feel the smile on Nick's face form against my head.

"I hate to do this Drey, but I really have to go." Nick said. "No one knows where I am, and they are probably all worried sick that I got mobbed or something, but I had an incredibly time with you tonight and I hope to beable to do it again tomorrow. Only tomorrow we're all going to have to go out." With that, he kissed me on the cheek and took off down the hall. "I will call you in the morning.

"Thanks for the good time Nick...I had fun...I can't wait until tomorrow." I shouted out after him. He turned back and smiled, then continued walking.