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Chapter 5 The After Chat

"So did you have a good time?" Was the first words that left Shadia's mouth when I entered.

"Yes, he is so wonderful and so easy to talk to and so cute and OH!" I laughed when I noticed I was rambeling.

Shadia laughed. "So you like him?"

"Yeah, I do." I answered. "He's not at all how I pictured him to be...."

"And how is that?" She asked with a puzzled look on her face.

"Well..I don't know...." I said pausing to think about what to say next.. "I guess I just always had this image plastered in my head that he would be a major jerk and that he would think he is all better than everyone. I know now that it was unfair to judge him before ever meeting him, but that was how I felt.. and if it weren't for him being so nice in the beginning, this friendship would of never blossomed."

She laughed. "Aren't you glad that you met him?"

"Oh yeah!" I said raising an eyebrow and smiling.

"You're blushing.." She squealed. "You really like him and in that way, dontcha?"

"I'm gonna go upstairs, change into my pajamas and go to bed. I'm really tired." I said, ignoring her question. I didn't really understand why I had to ignore it, but I couldn't give her an answer. I wasn't really sure myself. He seemed like a wonderful person, but it had only been one day, unless it was love at first sight..nah, yeah right!

"Don't ignore the question!" She protested.

"Oh..I forgot to ask...would you mind going out with them again tomorrow? I asked, again ignoring her.

"I am not answering, until you answer me." She was being stubborn.

"Yes. Now do you want to go with them?"

"I knew it!" She screamed jumping up and down. "I knew it! I knew it!"

"What?!" I asked confused. "What did you know?"

"I could just tell you liked him. It was just a sparkle in your eye when he made you laugh and whenever he talked, you stared intently on him. It was like nothing else mattered."

"Ok..whatever..." I said not buying it. "But did you want to go out with.." I was cut off.

"And whenever he looked at you to tell you something, the sparkle was in his eyes too."

"Ok, Ok Shad, but how does that sound?" I paused. "Do you wanna go out with them tomorrow, all day?"


"Yeah, Nick, Brian and AJ...?!" I answered.

"Sure, that'd be great." She said sounding excited.

"Alright, sounds good...I really am going to go to bed now..I'll see ya in the morning." I said starting up the steps.

"So..did he kiss you on the cheek, or better yet, did he KISS you?" She asked.

" I really AM going to bed.." I said as I continued up the steps.

"No way! He kissed you?" She shrieked. "That is so sweet! Was it on the lips or just on the cheek?"

"Just on th..." I said just as the phone rang.

"I got it!" Shadia rang out like a little kid, so excited as if it were the first time. "Hello?...Hey, oh yeah, she mentioned it, yep, sounds good..alright...okay, yeah..sure, here she to you" She said with a mysterious look on her face.

"Hello?" I answered when I reached the phone that sat on the night stand next to the beds upstairs. "Hey.." I heard a voice hesitate to answer. "What's going on?" "Not a whole lot. It's good to hear from you." "It's good to hear your voice.." Nick said with a smile, or so it seemed. I found myself blushing, "It's good to hear your's too." "Listen Drey," He began, "I really had a great time with you was like nothing else before, and yes, I have been out with other girls, but none of them have made me feel the way you do..." "It's so great to hear you say that." I told him. "I thought it was just me, but I had an incredible time with you too and at first, I felt as if I were in a dream cause the feelings I have when I am with you was like never before and they were all so sudden. I could hear Nick laugh. "Gosh, this is so unbelievable.." "You're telling me..." "Well listen Drey, I hate to do this, but I gotta go. I will call you tomorrow morning." He said in what seemed like an embarrassed tone. "Ok Nick, I'll talk to you tomorrow then..goodnight.." "Goodnight." He said and then we hung up.

After I changed out of the shorts and tank top, I put my pajamas on and went to bed. As I started to drift off to sleep, I kept having thoughts of Nick. It 's all too sudden, I told myself. This can't be happening. I have never felt this way about anyone before and it can't possibly be happening now..