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CHAPTER 6 The Next Day

The next morning I was awakened by the telephone ringing. As I reached out to get it, I noticed that Shadia was already out of bed. "Hello?" I answered.

"Good morning sunshine!" I heard Nick's voice on the other end.

"Oh hey, good morning. How'd you sleep last night?" I asked him.

"Oh, I slept wonderfully..." He answered.

"That's good." I replied. I could tell that this was going to be the best day already, just hearing his voice made my morning perky, not to mention what hearing his voice for the rest of the day would do.

"So what are we doing today? Shadia and Brian are already out shopping somewhere was up at 6 o'clock, went downstairs, came back to the room with Shad and then they said that they were going out shopping...nice huh?" He informed me.

"Oh yeah, just peachy. So what are you and AJ doing today?"

"I'm not real sure. AJ isn't around either. I think he ended up going with Shadia and Brian, but I could be wrong. He met some girl the other night and I guess they hit it off pretty well, but who knows with AJ...right?" He asked, adding in a laugh afterwards.

"Yeah, who knows. Well, let's not make plans. Okay?" I asked him, waiting for his reply.

"Let's not make plans, are you saying that you don't want to spend the day with me?" He asked, sounding offended.

"Oh no, that isn't what I meant at all. I just meant that we shouldn't make plans over the phone, I am gonna get up, take a shower, get ready and meet you in about 45 minutes to an hour. THEN we can make know, one of those occasions where you just makes plans on the spot, not really think about it?"

"Oh, so you're one of those types of girls?!" The tone in his voice sounded like he was taken away by the sounds of that. "Ya know what, don't answer that, let's just wait to see eachother..." He said.

"Alright then, are you already showered and ready?" I questioned suspiciously.

"Actually, I just got out of the shower when I called you, so I still have to shave and finish getting ready, but I will see you soon...just when you're finished give me a call.." He demanded and then we said our good-byes.

After we hung up I rushed to the bathroom, only to find a note that read: Dear Dreyah, this morning when I woke up, I got ready and went downstairs for some juice and a bagel and I ran into Brian. We got talking and I told him about our day yesterday and then he offered me to go shopping with him, so if you get up and find that I am no longer there, I am with Brian, safe and sound. So in the meantime, have fun with Nick and I will see ya later! Love ya always, Shad (of course DNQ)

When I finished reading the note I began to get ready. First, by taking my shower and then blow drying my long, blonde hair. I heated up the curling iron, while applying my makeup. For some reason today, Nick just made me feel like doing everything right, he made me want to look beautiful for him. It was funny, I just felt ambitious and alive, just knowing that in about 15 minutes I would be seeing him again and then knowing that we would have the rest of the day to be together.

Gosh, what is he doing to me? Those were the thoughts again running through my mind. I have never felt so deeply for someone that I just met. Is it love, is it lust? Is it just my imagination taking over, or was I just so caught up in all the fun yesterday that it just seemed like he was the one? Yep, that's it...I was just so caught up in the moment yesterday that I thought that I had feelings for him. Nothing more, nothing less. Nick and I were only friends. Okay, who was I kidding, I knew I was only trying to convince myself, yet it didn't work. Nick was something special and I would find out soon just exactly how I felt.

The 15 minutes seemed to of passed by quickly, only because when Nick got there, I still was not ready. Knock Knock! I heard the sound of him pounding on the door. "Hang on, just a minute!" I shouted as I ran down the steps.

"I'm waiting, not very patiently, but I am waiting.." He called from outside the door. I had to smile at the thought of him being eager to see me. He can't wait to see me! I shouted for joy inside. "Hey!" I said cheerfully when I opened the door to reveal the perfect smile that was plastered onto his face. He surrounded me into a hug. I had to admit, it felt good! Can I have another one? I wish/asked myself when he finally let go.

"So are you ready?" He questioned. "Not quite yet. I just have a few more curls to do in the back and then I will be set." "I can wait..ya know..great things ARE worth waiting for?!" He issued. I smiled and made my way up the stairs. "It'll only take few minutes, I promise." "I am gonna hold you to that.." He said.

When I finished curling the last strand of hair, I could hear him downstairs singing along to whatever song was playing on the radio, I couldn't make it out and by the time I got down there, the song was over.

"I'm ready." I said marching downstairs and twirling around like a model in front of him.

"You look..WONDERFUL.." He said thoughtfully, admiring my white knee knockers, and light pink shirt.

"Why thank you. You look absolutely desirable yourself." I complimented him, looking from his perfectly styled, blonde hair, to his sweet, to die for smile, to his khaki shorts with the yellow Tommy shirt all the way down to the sandals.

"Shall we go?" He asked reaching out his hand to me.

"We shall.." I responded taking it.

Throughout the day, Nick and I held hands, talked, swam and he even kissed me on my cheek again for no reason. The two of us played video games together and I kicked his ass 4 times out of 7. It was an all around great day. We shopped and even got tattoos together. Of course they were fake, but the thought was still fun. Maybe one day we could go together to get real ones.

"So is there anything you wanted to do?!" I asked him.

"Nah, I'd rather just stay right here, where I am." He answered as he turned to face me. We had been sitting on the beach for about an hour, just talking about life, feelings, our past, just everything, the only thing that I hadn't brought up was my last relationship with Jon, but it was about to escape anytime soon and I already felt like I knew him. The water was beautiful, my favorite place to come, and coincidentally, Nick's too.

"Nick, can I talk to you about something, or well..just tell you about something that happened?" I asked.

"Of course, you can talk to me about anything." He answered, pulling me in to his arms so that his arm was around me and my head leaning on his shoulder.

"Actually, well..ok..It's hard to explain Nick.." I said taking a deep breath.

"That's it, take a deep breath and take your time."

"Ok, well..I was dating this guy for 4 months and things were going great, we spent time together, and we talked and we shared secrets, and I thought I was in love with him...." I paused. Nick's reaction was intense, showing that he was completely focused on me. "But then I found him and one of my best friends sleeping together and I don't just mean in the same bed together under the same blanker asleep, it was the whole thing. I seen it, I was there...but I realized that I wasn't in love with him. And I know that now..I've only known you for 2 days, but I can already tell that I feel more for you than I ever did for him in 4 months.."

Nick looked astonished. "'s funny, but I feel something special with you too. I have never been in love..." He confessed, "but one thing is for sure, I have cared about many of girls and when I met you yesterday and we spent the whole day together, you just made me so happy and full of's remarkable, it was a feeling I have never felt with anyone else and it just seemed like we had a connection from the beginning!"

It was only seconds later, that I found myself on top of him, the two of us kissing passionately. My whole body was tingly and I was full of complete and total happiness. And I had no guilt what so ever, I hadn't performed any illegal crime, by following my feelings, which was all I was doing. No one could fine me for that, now could they?