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CHAPTER 7 Talking Things Over

It had been a few days since that night with Nick and I. And it seemed like ever since then, he had kept his distance.

"What should I do Shad?" I asked. "It scares me that maybe he thinks I was moving to fast, but to me, it seemed like he wanted it too."

"I think you should talk to him." She advised. "But what has he done to make you feel that way?"

"Well, for instance, just yesterday we were all messing around in their room and Brian and AJ attacked me onto the bed and Nick just sat in the chair. He didn't laugh, he didn't smile, he just sat there. " I started to give her only one of the many reasons. "Shad, it just felt like he didn't want anything to do with me and that really hurt.."

"And you assume that he is mad just because he wouldn't tackle you?" She questioned. "Maybe he was having a bad day.."

"Maybe, but that isn't the only thing, it's even the little things." I answered, going on to give her more examples. "He just tries to stay as far away from me as possible. Take this morning for instance, when we got there, he motioned for me to get in the booth, so thinking that he was going to sit next to me, I got in and then he let you get in and then on the other side, AJ and him sat, but of course, he let AJ in first, just so that he didn't have to look me in the eyes..." I rambled. Correct me if I am wrong, but I lost all of my coodies after second grade..."

Shadia laughed at me. "Oh Drey..I am sure you are just over reacting. I promise you, everything will be okay..just talk to him!.."

"Ok, but what do I say to him?" I asked. "I feel like when I confront him, I will be putting him on the spot..."

"You won't be putting him on the spot. What did he tell you the other night about his feelings for you?" She asked with a good point intended.

"So he may have told me that he has feelings for me, but what he tells me and what he actually feels could be two totally different things...I mean for gosh sake, I told him I had feelings for him, what was he supposed to say to something like that?!"

"Dreyah, I don't think Nick would lie to you..I mean come on..he is such a great guys" She assured me.

"Thanks Shad, it means a lot to me, you being here for me and all..."I said hugging her. "Like always.." I added, as the hug ended. "I guess I should get it over with, don't ya think?"

"Yep, you can do it..just be strong.." She advised. "Say what's on your mind, you're good at that..."

I smiled and started toward the door, but quickly stopped. "You can do it...just go straight to his room and demand some answers..." she said knowingly that I wanted to back down.

I made my way out the door and to the elevator. As the doors released, I found Nick standing there hands in his pockets looking rather nervous.."

"Nick.." I emphasized. "You're just the person I wanted to talk to.." I said with a dull smile.

"Funny, you're just the person I wanted to talk to, too.." He said, stepping backwards and giving me space to get on.

He took me to a quiet place at the very top of the hotel, the roof. There were benches with a lovely view, overlooking the water.

"Nick.." I started. "Ever since that night..on the haven't said more than a couple of sentences to me, did I do something to offend you?"

"No Drey, you didn't do anything wrong. It was just that after it happened, it was all so fast, yet all so wonderful..." He explained. "I just didn't know how you felt about it and I didn't want to push anything or wreck my chances.."

"Nick, if I hadn't of wanted it, I wouldn't of kissed you in the first place." I told him.

He smiled, but then tensed up. "Can I ask you a question Drey?"

"Of course."

"Alright, well..I realize that you just told me that you wanted what happened between us, but by any chance did you just want it to keep your mind off Jon?" His question was cold.

"God Nick! I could never do that!" I cried out. "How could you even assume something like that?"

"Drey, I'm sorry, but you have to admit that if I were talking about my ex girlfriend, and then told you how I felt about you, wouldn't you be at all suspicious as to whether or not my words were genuine?" He reasoned.

I thought about that for a second, concluding that he was right. "Nick, I'm sorry you feel that way. But the truth is, I wasn't just using you. I really wanted what happened between us to have happened. I am really glad it did. I like you a lot. And I'm really sorry I snapped at you..." I apologized.

He smiled. "I'm sorry too. I like you too, so much that I was scared you were just using me. It hurt, thinking that I was just some sort of back up object for you to toy with just to get your mind off of him..."

"Nick.." I pleaded. "Please, don't feel that way, because that night on the beach with you, well I wasn't even thinking about Jon, you were the one and only man on my mind.." I told him, trying to clear him from any insecurity that he may have been feeling. "I know, it all happened so quickly, but in all honesty, I am not really like that..I don't normally just make out with someone I've spent only two days with, but there's something special about you Nick, even from the the pop machine, when I turned around to find you smiling at me, it was just like this fire work went off...and it was so right." I explained.

"I know exactly what you mean." He told me. "I'm not normally like that either. I have been hurt before by spending a day with a girl, letting her sweet talk me, so then I give her my heart, only to find out in the end, that she only wanted me for one reason...because of what I do, not because of who I am inside. And yeah, it's great to be a Backstreet Boy, but sometimes I get sick of girls only wanting me for that reason..." I could tell the words were coming from his heart and it made me feel bad because he had been hurt before by girls who used and to think that he was thinking that I was out to use him too, just killed me inside.

"Nick, I am going to tell you something, and I hope you don't get offended.." I started..

"What is it?" He questioned.

" be honest, I like your music a lot and I like the way you all looked together, so happy and real, but honestly, I don't get the whole hype about it." I continued. "I am a fan and I went out and bought all of your albums, but I've heard some of the strange things that girls have done to meet you guys and I think it is completely crazy!" I told him. "I'm sorry if this offends you, but that's just how I feel.."

He tilted his head back as if in embarrassment, and smiled. "I don't get it either.." He told me, "But then again, how could I? I mean other than the fact that I get to travel around the world and entertain thousands of people at a time...I mean it's my job, I am just me when I go home, I am just me when I go out to eat, or out to party with friends, I am just a normal 19 year old guy, the same as anyone..."

"Ok, so I must admit, I realize one main reason they go crazy over you guys, you're so sweet, funny, and not to mention that breath taking smile of yours Nickolas.." I confessed. "Oh wait..I said I realize one main reason and I gave you three...oops!"

Nick laughed and put his arm around me. "Now I know exactly why I like you so much..."

"And why is that?" I asked.

"Because, you're so sweet, funny, easy going and not to mention beautiful..." He said sweetly. "I just love being with you Dreyah.."

"And I love being with you too..." I told him making sure to emphasize the you, so that he knew I wasn't just playing games with his heart, like many other girls had in the past.

"Dreyah? Nick?" AJ questioned, peeking his head out of the door. "What are you two doing out here, all alone?"

"Nothing now..." Nick said playing around as if he were annoyed with his friend.

"So what were you doing?" He questioned, raising his eyebrows.

"We were just working something out.." Nick answered.

"Oh.." AJ replied. "Would you like me to leave you alone then?"

"No, actually, we've already worked everything out.." I answered.

"Yep, we're okay now.." Nick said smiling and pulling me in for a quick, gentle kiss.

"WHEW!" AJ shouted as he applauded. "I'll leave you two alone now.." He said becoming quiet again and walking towards the door to get back in. When he pulled on the handle, it didn't budge..."Uh oh.." He said.

"Uh oh, what?" I asked.

"Uh oh, we're trapped out here..." He replied, with a look of concern in his eye.