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CHAPTER 8  Trapped

"You're kidding...right?" Nick said jumping up quickly.

"No man, I'm serious!" AJ yelled from the door, trying again by pulling it
even harder.

Nick had to be difficult and try it himself, before he believed AJ. "You're
right. It won't budge."

"I told you.."

"Oh great, now what do we do?" I complained.

"Well, I can always go off into the corner and let you two be alone.." AJ
offered, joking around.

Nick and I both laughed.

"Or...we could go sit on the side of the building and throw rocks at the
cars.." AJ said running over to the side of the hotel, and picking up a rock.

"DON'T!" I shouted, just as he was about to sit down.. "Please, AJ...don't.."
I begged.

"Okay..I won't...but why?" He asked.

"Just please don't.." I pleaded with him. "I don't want you to fall, my
cousin died several years ago because he was playing around like that. He
wasn't on top of a building though, he was with a bunch of his friends, spray
painting an advertisement billboard and he lost his balance and fell 35 feet
to the ground, landing on his back."

"I'm sorry." AJ said sincerely. "I didn't mean to scare you like that."

"It's alright." I assured him. "I just don't want anything like that to
happen to you."

"Damn door!" We heard Nick shout, still trying to open the door.

" isn't going to work..." I tried.

"But..Ehhhhhhhh, I think...errrrrrr, Iiiiii've almost gooooooooot
it..ehhhhhhh!" He struggled, letting out a loud sigh of exhaustion.

"Nick...please..come on over to the bench and sit with me..." I asked,
putting my arms around his waist and leaning my head into his back.

He turned around, so that we were facing eachother. I pulled his head down to
mine and kissed him gently on the lips. "Mmm, I like that.." He said when we
were done.

"I like that too.." I said. "That's why I'm about to do it again.." I said
standing on my tip toes to reach his lips, I still wasn't tall enough, he
helped by tilting his head downward to meet my lips.

After about a minute, we hear AJ making gagging noises. "If I had a pillow
right about now, I would throw it at you.." Nick warned him.

"Eww..a pillow! I am SOOO scared. Shaken in my sneakers!!" AJ teased.

I laughed, after all, AJ was comical.

"So you two are officially a pair?" He asked.

I looked at Nick and he smiled. "Yep, we are." He said pulling me closer to

"Man, you sure move awfully fast..." AJ commented.

"Well, we did what our hearts told us.." I replied. "I guess, yeah, it was
pretty fast, but he's so great and when we first met, I felt a connection..I
guess you could say -love at first sight-?!?!"

"Well I am happy for you guys..." He said in a goofy voice. "GROUP HUG!" He
yelled embracing both Nick and I in a tight hug.

"Alright, ENOUGH!" Nick yelled irritated. "It's okay once and a while, when
were ALONE...but come on...we just got together, please don't scare her
off.." He pleaded, only kidding around though, of course.

"Oh fine, I see how it is..." I walked away acting as if I were hurt.

"I'm sorry sweetie.." Nick said coming up behind me and wrapping his arms
around my waist. "For you I can end it with know...I had to get
pleasure somehwere and in the back was better than nothing.."

"Eww! Shut up!" I said with a disgusted laugh.

He just laughed. "I'm kidding, only kidding.." He assured me.

"I know. I know..chill out baby.." I said putting my arms around his neck and
pulling him down to kiss me.

"Eh-hem!" AJ cleared his throat, getting our attention. "I don't mean to be
rude, but I think we have bigger problems to worry about, such as this
door.." He motioned to the door.

"Oh...right!" I said. "Maybe if we just bang on it...they'll hear us.." I

"Oh...GREAT idea...Genius...!!!" AJ said sarcastically.

" could work.." I picked the fight.

"Yeah..right! I am SO sure.."

"Ok then, you come up with a better idea..GENIUS!" I defended myself.

"Then start pounding, I bet nothing happens." He yelled.

"Ok, you isn't worth getting mad at eachother over.." Nick seeked
being the pacificator.

"You're right." AJ agreed. "I'm sorry Drey.." He apologized.

"Me too. I think that these couple of hours are just getting to all of us..."
I said and then started pouding and yelling.

It seemed like I had been beating and screaming forever. "It's no use. You
were right isn't gonna work.."

"It's alright Drey, at least you tried..." He sounded pleased.

Nick got up off the bench and walked over to the door and picked up where I

AJ then joined him in the action, yelling, screaming and pounding. I thought
for sure if no one from the inside opened the door, that sooner or later it
would just break down from the both of them beating on it.

"We'd mide as well just face it..we're locked out here..and make the best of
it.." I told them both when they had finshed pounding and yelling.

It was getting dark, so Nick sat down next to me and I leaned up against him.
A shiver ran through my body as his hands touched my bare arms. "Cold baby?"
He asked.

"Just alittle.." I answered.

"You would think that someone would miss us..." AJ said sitting down.

"Yeah, you would think, either that, or they do, but just dont know where to
come looking for us." I reasoned. "I betchu anything, Shadia is going out of
her mind trying to find me..." I laughed. "The last she knew, is that I was
going to talk to Nick. She probably thinks it didn't go over to well with him
and that something bad happened."

AJ laughed, "Yeah, I'd be scared if it was just the two of you out here..."

"Shut up man!" Nick shielded knowing what AJ was thinking. "I know what
you're thinking..and it's just wrong."

I heard the knob on the door shift, "I think someone is by the door.." I
yelled, jumping up and running over to the door.. "Hello?! Anyone there?" I
asked putting my ear up to the ice cold door and waited for an answer.