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CHAPTER 9  Saved at Last

"Someone out there?" I heard a voice ring from inside.

"Yes! We're traped, we can't get the door open. Please let us in!" I begged.

The door began to open. Inside was one of the maids. "How long were you three
stuck out there?" She questioned.

"Probably near 4 and a half hours." I answered.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Well earlier, Nick and I came out here, just to talk." I explained,
motioning to Nick on my left. "And then AJ came out soon after." I then
pointed at AJ who was on my right.

"Well, I am just glad you weren't stuck out there all night and I am also
glad I found out about this before I went to smoke my ciggarette. I will have
to enlighten the manager about that one." She said, patting me on the back as
the three of us passed her.

"Thank you." I said appreciatively.

"Oh no problem dear. Anytime." She laughed.

"Where the hell were you?" Were Shadia's first words when she opened the door
only to see us.

"We were trapped on the roof!" AJ informed her enthusiastically. "It was so

"Well at least someone was having fun." Brian said. "Us, on the other hand,
have been worried about you guys. We went out looking for you earlier."

"We figured you guys would come searching for us." I told them.

"But seriously, where in the hell were you guys?" Shadia asked.

"We were on the roof." Nick told her.

"Okay, enough of the funny shit.." Brian said sternly. "Where were you?"

"On the roof..." I chimed in.

"God Dreyah, after all these years, I always thought you were the one to be
serious in matters, such as these.." Shadia said rather disappointed.

"Shad, I am NOT kidding."

"Oh right, like there is anyway you could possibly get locked out on the
roof, yet alone even get there.." She argued.

"Incase you haven't realized, but we ARE serious." I demanded. "Why would we
lie about being stuck on the roof?" I asked reasoningly.

"How am I supposed to know?" She asked confused. "But how in the hell did you
get stuck up there?"

"You know earlier when I went to talk to Nick, right?" I questioned.

"Yeah, I remember."

"Well, we ended up meeting at the elevator. He was coming to talk to me too."
I explained.

"So then, I took her up to sit on top of the roof, so that we could talk
things over.." He took over.

"So how did AJ get involved?" Brian cut in.

"Just listen to the story, would ya?" Nick asked and then began to tell the
rest. "So anyway, while we were up there, obviously, the door closed behind
us and really, we weren't concerned on whether or notlocked. It didn't cross
our minds, at least it didn't cross my mind."

I shook my head in agreement and he went on. "So once we were out there, we
were just talking and then AJ came out to see what was going on. But once he
wanted to go back inside, he found that the door was locked from the inside.
And we were trapped."

"So, you really WERE on the roof for all this time?" Shadia questioned.

"Yep, and if you don't believe can ask the maid that rescued us." I
told her.

"So that's how you got in, a maid opened the door?" Brian asked.

"Yeah, she said that she was going to go out to smoke, but luckily by us, she
found out she would have been stuck out there.." AJ explained.

"Hey, Drey..come here, I need to talk to ya for a second.." Shadia said with
a smile getting up and walking over to the door.

"What is it?" I asked when we reached the hall.

"Did you and and Nickolas work things out?" She asked emphasizing his name.

"As a matter of fact, yes, we did.." I smiled, looking down at that ground.

"What?!" She quetioned. "You two are okay, right?"

"Oh yeah, we're great. Better than before actually.." I told her.

"What are you saying Drey?"

"Well..." I paused.

"Are you two serious?" She shrieked. "So you're together??"

I just smiled and that answered everything.

"I am so happy for you!!" She hugged me as she jumped up and down. "See, I
told you everything would be okay.."

"Yeah, you did and you ALWAYS seem to be right." I joked. "Thanks again Shad."

"No problem. Anytime." She replied. "Now let's get back in there so that you
can be with your boyfriend!" She screeched, hanging on the word boyfriend.

I smiled and opened up the door. "Where were you? I missed you.." Nick said
when I came back into the room and sat down next to him on the bed.

"I was just out in the hall talking.." I informed.

"Everything ok?" He questioned.

"Yep, just peachy." I said leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Oh my gosh you guys, we are completely missing it..." Shadia freaked,
jumping up. "Come on..let's go....!"