shukumaru (3:15:33 AM): Hello, my name is Omar Ali-Din. What sort of pets do you have?
juliebug79 (3:15:56 AM): a rabbit
shukumaru (3:16:19 AM): You know how they call rabbit poop "rabbit raisins"?
juliebug79 (3:16:33 AM): yup
shukumaru (3:17:00 AM): Well, have you ever tried eating one?
juliebug79 (3:17:13 AM): nope
shukumaru (3:17:50 AM): I remember once I made oatmeal raisin cookies with rabbit raisins. I didn't know any better. I was 8 at the time.
juliebug79 (3:18:37 AM): oh yea
shukumaru (3:19:47 AM): Well, they actually didn't taste that bad. Ever since then, I've had a taste for those cookies. You should try them some time.
juliebug79 (3:21:47 AM): ok ill try some rabbit poop cookies some day
shukumaru (3:22:31 AM): Good, my friend. I like to take rabbit raisins... In fact, the cookies kind of give you an aicd trip... and they are not illegal!
juliebug79 (3:23:32 AM): so how old are you and where are you from my rabbit poop eating freind
shukumaru (3:24:20 AM): You spelled "friend" wrong. Remember, "I" before "E" except after "C"
juliebug79 (3:24:41 AM): great thanks for the lesson
shukumaru (3:25:25 AM): Glad to help, my non-English speaking fucker.
juliebug79 (3:27:38 AM): so my rabbit poop eating FRIEND how old are you
shukumaru (3:28:02 AM): I am eleven.
juliebug79 (3:28:24 AM): where are you from?
shukumaru (3:29:03 AM): Well, I'm part Indian. My Indian name is Wakuaildur, which means "One who eats rabbit raisins"
shukumaru (3:30:06 AM): My great grandfather was The Lone Ranger's sidekick.
juliebug79 (3:30:18 AM): well my rabbit poop eating FRIEND you dont seem eleven.....
shukumaru (3:30:35 AM): I am from India
shukumaru (3:31:02 AM): I've been eleven since before you were born, so don't back talk me, missy.
juliebug79 (3:32:14 AM): if you say so my rabbit poop eating FRIEND
shukumaru (3:32:40 AM): Now, let's have hot gay sex.
juliebug79 (3:33:54 AM): rabbit poop eating FRIEND it sounds like you are a boy and i am a girl so how whould it be gay?
shukumaru (3:34:45 AM): I am a girl.
juliebug79 (3:35:14 AM): so you are a rabbit poop eating girl from india
juliebug79 (3:35:21 AM): sounds sexy to me
shukumaru (3:35:38 AM): Turns me on.
shukumaru (3:36:07 AM): No, I'm a boy. I just wanted to ask about gay sex. I'm actually straight.
juliebug79 (3:37:14 AM): thats what they all say
shukumaru (3:37:44 AM): Do you think I'm gay?
juliebug79 (3:39:23 AM): well right now i think you are a rabbit poop eating 11 year old guy from india
shukumaru (3:39:40 AM): Do you think I'm gay?
juliebug79 (3:40:01 AM): truthfully i dont give a shit if you are gay
shukumaru (3:40:16 AM): Yes or no will do.
juliebug79 (3:40:45 AM): no
shukumaru (3:40:57 AM): Well, I am.
juliebug79 (3:41:14 AM): ok well good for you
shukumaru (3:42:03 AM): Want to try and turn me straight?
juliebug79 (3:43:23 AM): depends how much effort it will take
shukumaru (3:43:33 AM): Who knows?
shukumaru (3:43:35 AM): Reow.
juliebug79 (3:46:34 AM): so have yo turned yet
shukumaru (3:46:48 AM): No, try sucking harder.

navyman437 (4:27:46 AM): how u
doing u wanna chat

JulieBUG79 (4:27:58 AM): not tonight
thanks thou

navyman437 (4:28:12 AM): y not
JulieBUG79 (4:28:35 AM): im angry
with my computer and any minutes its
going flying out the window

JulieBUG79 (4:28:37 AM): :-)
navyman437 (4:29:32 AM): y u mad at

JulieBUG79 (4:30:10 AM): you cant get
mad at a computer it doesnt do anything
so no im mad at myself

navyman437 (4:31:13 AM): sorry
navyman437 (4:31:37 AM): how old r u
JulieBUG79 (4:31:44 AM): 20
navyman437 (4:32:49 AM): do u look

JulieBUG79 (4:33:03 AM): no im a fat
smelly chick

navyman437 (4:33:39 AM): ok bye
JulieBUG79 (4:33:47 AM): bye