PU123 (12:25:50 AM): i have an iguana!
PU123 (12:25:54 AM): and i mated it
with a shitzu

JulieBUG79 (12:26:06 AM): awsome
PU123 (12:26:34 AM)
: where are you

JulieBUG79 (12:26:35 AM): what did it
look like?

JulieBUG79 (12:26:38 AM)
: MA
PU123 (12:26:39 AM)
: maybe i can
show you

PU123 (12:26:44 AM): oh really
PU123 (12:26:46 AM): where in ma
PU123 (12:26:51 AM): i am in

JulieBUG79 (12:26:52 AM): New

PU123 (12:27:17 AM)
: do you know
Jeffrey James Wood

PU123 (12:27:22 AM): he is my buddy
JulieBUG79 (12:27:24 AM): no
JulieBUG79 (12:27:27 AM)
: im a loser
PU123 (12:27:29 AM)
: oh too bad
PU123 (12:27:33 AM): how old are you
JulieBUG79 (12:27:34 AM): and dont
have any friends

JulieBUG79 (12:27:36 AM)
: 20
PU123 (12:27:50 AM)
: what why do you
make fun of yourself

PU123 (12:27:52 AM): that is my age
PU123 (12:27:57 AM): do you have a

JulieBUG79 (12:28:20 AM): i make
fun of myself because its easy and
i dont hurt anyones feelings that

JulieBUG79 (12:28:28 AM)
: no pic
PU123 (12:28:43 AM)
: you must be
really fat

PU123 (12:28:52 AM): cause only fat
people think that way

JulieBUG79 (12:28:55 AM): nope
PU123 (12:28:58 AM)
: are you easy

PU123 (12:29:02 AM): like in bed?
JulieBUG79 (12:29:17 AM): well i fall
asleep easy

JulieBUG79 (12:29:20 AM)
: ;-)
PU123 (12:29:24 AM)
: what
PU123 (12:29:27 AM): you are tapped
JulieBUG79 (12:29:28 AM): if thats
what you mean

PU123 (12:29:43 AM)
: no listen have
you ever stepped foot outside of your

PU123 (12:29:50 AM): or do you sit on
your computer all day

JulieBUG79 (12:30:11 AM): ive been
online for 20 mins today

JulieBUG79 (12:30:26 AM)
: im in
school and work almost everyday

PU123 (12:30:44 AM)
: oh i see
JulieBUG79 (12:30:47 AM): im about
130lbs (im not fat)

PU123 (12:30:51 AM)
: where do you go
to school

PU123 (12:30:56 AM): you sound hot
PU123 (12:31:03 AM): what are you
doing this weekend?

PU123 (12:31:06 AM): cum to a party
JulieBUG79 (12:31:09 AM): bristol
community college

JulieBUG79 (12:31:24 AM)
: i work on

PU123 (12:31:59 AM)
: work the street
PU123 (12:32:11 AM): the party is late
night anyways

JulieBUG79 (12:32:48 AM): no thanks
im not in the mood to be beaten
raped and thrown in an ally way
maybe next weekend

PU123 (12:33:08 AM)
: what
PU123 (12:33:15 AM): you need to see a

PU123 (12:33:16 AM): badly
JulieBUG79 (12:33:23 AM): well
actually i am

PU123 (12:33:26 AM)
: i wont rape you
trust me

PU123 (12:33:43 AM): up the sessions
to full time everyday

JulieBUG79 (12:33:44 AM): oh yea
you gave your word i can trust you

JulieBUG79 (12:34:03 AM)
: im quite

PU123 (12:34:25 AM)
: wanna call

PU123 (12:34:39 AM): and i will tell
you a good story

JulieBUG79 (12:34:42 AM): na i have
to wash my hair

PU123 (12:34:55 AM)
: 508 831 6585
JulieBUG79 (12:34:56 AM): why cant
you tell it to me now

PU123 (12:35:09 AM)
: you cant get
bothered on the phone

PU123 (12:35:15 AM): well it is just so
much more personal

JulieBUG79 (12:36:09 AM): so are
you still in school?

PU123 (12:36:33 AM)
: yup
PU123 (12:36:39 AM): at WPI right now
JulieBUG79 (12:36:55 AM): whats
your majior?

PU123 (12:37:13 AM)
: mechanical

JulieBUG79 (12:38:01 AM):
PU123 (12:38:29 AM)
: so what are you
doing right now for the next two mins
that you cant call

JulieBUG79 (12:39:14 AM): im on the
puter i cant do both

PU123 (12:39:30 AM)
: are you on the

JulieBUG79 (12:40:26 AM): yea i am i
have one of those niffty portable
toilets that i place underneath my

PU123 (12:40:27 AM)
PU123 (12:40:43 AM): ugggh
JulieBUG79 (12:40:47 AM): your

JulieBUG79 (12:40:59 AM)
: did you
know patients is the key to

PU123 (12:41:22 AM)
: patients is the
key to a few things

PU123 (12:41:25 AM): but not AIM
JulieBUG79 (12:41:52 AM): ok
JulieBUG79 (12:42:08 AM)
: sorry it
took me a minute to think up a
witty replay

JulieBUG79 (12:42:15 AM)
: ill never
do it again

PU123 (12:42:38 AM)
: its ok
PU123 (12:42:49 AM): so i want you to
call me and I will sign off and talk to
JulieBUG79 (12:43:19 AM): im talking
to other people

JulieBUG79 (12:43:33 AM)
: my life
doesnt revolve around you

PU123 (12:43:47 AM)
: oh so you are
saying you are popular

JulieBUG79 (12:45:06 AM): no
actually im saying you havent said
anything in the 20 minutes since
you first imed me that gives me
any reason to want to talk to you

PU123 (12:45:24 AM)
: ok fine
JulieBUG79 (12:45:29 AM): you have
no interest in learing about me

JulieBUG79 (12:45:48 AM)
: you just
want me to call you so you have
one free hand

PU123 (12:46:42 AM)
: well i hadnt
thought of that

PU123 (12:46:51 AM): but if you do we
can have phone sex

PU123 (12:46:55 AM): and it will be

JulieBUG79 (12:47:03 AM): so i was

PU123 (12:47:10 AM)
: no i had not
thought about it

JulieBUG79 (12:48:50 AM): well i
have to get up early tommorow

PU123 (12:49:01 AM)
: call me
JulieBUG79 (12:49:27 AM): why
because we have alot of stuff in

PU123 (12:49:44 AM)
: well a few things
PU123 (12:49:50 AM): same age and
same interests

PU123 (12:49:55 AM): we are both in

PU123 (12:50:01 AM): and you sound

PU123 (12:50:12 AM): just give me a
call and if you dont like me you can
hang up

JulieBUG79 (12:50:34 AM): ok in
about 5 minutes ok

PU123 (12:50:44 AM)
: really
PU123 (12:50:47 AM): are you gonna

PU123 (12:50:55 AM): i will call you if
you dont want to pay

PU123 (12:51:11 AM): remember my
number is 598 831 6585