My creations...

20***This is my birthday page. It will have links off of it that have interesting informtaion about everyones birthday!
essay***This page contains 2 essays that i created they are non fiction.
forgetful***A page that lists my everyday activities that i should not forget (but sometimes do)
friends***by going to this page you will be able to view my friends and their pages.
girl***PMS releif and other girl facts.
links***these are some of my faviorite and most helpful links
FAQ***More information about, age, city/state...a survey i filled out...(and dont miss the links in almost every answer!)
photo***MY photos ...hopefully it will be expanding ive spent 4 months trying to get my pics online and ive given up!
rabbit***Helpful facts for rabbit owners or soon to be rabbit owners.
survey***This is my survey page where i ask you 5 questions and i post results on my...curious about my survey Page
curious about my survey***If you want to know what everyone elses answers were to my survey you can check it out here.
MY Poem section**Im not a poet and i know it.
My POO section***I like poo
Who or what agrivated me today***Previous entries
Thats it for my creations

Clique/Web rings...

F*** OUR Facist Beauty Standards (Clique)
Blackwind Web ring

Some of my faviorite and most helpful links...

Yahoo- a search eingine
w3cd-CD's and more!
Angelfire-the best place for free homepages!
The Amazing Crowns-the best rockabilly band around!
iconbazaar-the only place for icons
Create surveys here
Ben Folds Five kick ass band
Drew Barrymore-actress ( one of my favorites)
This is the tom green show
Late Night withConan O' Brian
from the creators of clerks, mallrats and chasing amy
Kurt Cobain
Personality test
The best way to start your day...a site to cheer you up.
Mr Cool and Eddie the Goth...Tods comic
The Second 10 Commandments...Commandments to live by :)
Adam's Advanced HTML Guide

Guestbook, E-Mail, HOME...

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