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All About Me

This is one of the few photos I have of myself on the computer. I am the fifth guard from the left, between the only guy in the picture and the girl with the shirt that says Tacoma. This picture is from the last day of my lifeguarding job at the Kendrick Avenue City Pool in Worcester, Massachusetts.

So, you've arrived here seeking more information about me...and are you asking yourself why? Well, for all your efforts, I can at least provide you with an insight into who I am and what I'm about. Already you've discovered that I am a lifeguard for the city of Worcester. I had a great summer working at the's one of the quietest city pools (read : no gang fights), but also one of the most enjoyable. I will be headed to American University in Washington, D.C., on August arrived so fast...and hopefully will be working as a lifeguard there as well, putting my lifeguard certifications to good use.

I am 18 years old (a pisces, if anyone's keeping track), a graduate of Tahanto Regional High School, in Boylston. After 4 great years there, I feel like I've really gotten all I can wring out of that school and that it will help me progress and improve. My friends there are terrific, and I hope to keep in touch with them, but as always...who knows for sure? At American, I will be going political science or pre-Law. History and Government have always been my strengths, so I figured I would play to them.

In my free time, I basically drift. Whatever occurs to me as fun is fair game. I enjoy just hanging out with good friends, of course, and have had tons of fun adventures. I sing, having been chorus vice president junior year and president senior year. I was the drum major at school and played french horn - not very well, but I tried. :-) Again in reference to government-type strengths, I was active with my Model United Nations organization, being elected "God" of the club senior year. I was a part of the National Honor Society at my school. I also spent 5 years volunteering at UMass-Memorial Hospital.

Sports wise, I played field hockey for three years at Tahanto, and while all three years were terrific, the best by far was the season of my senior year. My team enjoyed an incredible bond, and the people on that team are some of the people I will miss most. They are priceless memories indeed.

I look forward to the next step in my life - or maybe it's a leap! - and I hope for the best as we shall see where I end up. All my best wishes to everyone.

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