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Thanks, Best Wishes...And...Whatever

My index page became, with the end of the school year and hockey season, essentially one big huge "thankyouthankyouthankyou" extravaganza. the interest of making that home page less personal and inside-jokish and more accessible to people who visit it and do not know me and resultingly don't care who my friends are, I've moved those thank yous, inside jokes, farewells, promises, and general commentary to this page. Check it might even find yourself on here. Best wishes, and any questions or comments can of course go to

I'll start where I began originally. The Hockey Season. Thanks so much to every person who made it a memorable year of Icecats hockey. Andrea, Missy, Mer, and guys are awesome...talking with you guys was just the relief I needed at countless times in the season (plus, you get as worked up as I do about this "hockey" stuff.) know what I mean. I'm so glad I met you, and I'm looking forward to the next year of Icecats Hockey. Season Tix, Speed, 210, and the rest of the "regulars" (you know who you are)...the most beligerent group I've encountered, and definitely the most fun. You guys are great, even if you pick on me, and I can't wait to see you all next year. Hopefully this will be the year for a road trip. My "section family" in're so much fun, I'm so glad we've become buddies. Next year, I wouldn't be anywhere else but 117. See you then! The Andersons...what a great guys are great. I'll be sure to be more diligent in my waving duties from accross the rink this season. Andy, Frank & Frank, you guys are great, and I appreciate all the jokes, support, and reassurance. Ron in are an inspiration!!! Thanks to "our" goal judge for putting up with the delinquents in 117. And thanks to Erin, the lesson was great. You won't understand that, but it means a lot. Thanks to Amy, Amy, Laura, Jen and Sarah, and the rest of the're a fun buncha people. Thanks to everyone in the Centrum who just gave a smile when I walked past and who shared the same great games as I's something special in Worcester. Thanks to the people in the AHL arenas I visited this year : Portland, Hartford, Lowell, Springfield, and Providence. Thanks, last but not least for the hockey season, to the guys on the Worcester Icecats. You've been such an inspiration and you are a team to be proud of. Some of you (and I think you know who you are) have made it...interesting. It was a trip. Thanks for the memories. This year was one of the happiest and the best I've been a part of in Worcester. Thank you.

School notes...thanks especially to the music program kids! It was an honor to work with both the band and the chorus this year...the did me proud, guys. Thank you. The chorus passed my every expectation and I was proud to be a part of it. Can't wait to see you all next year. My best regards and wishes to Mr. was a great two years, and you've helped show me what I want to do and to be. Thanks. Model United Nations...thanks to Mr. Pacheco first of all, because he let me go for a second year to Bentley College this year. It was fun, and I can't wait to do it again next year. Thanks to everybody from the Tahanto was fun, and I hope to see you all next year. To all the delegates in the CPC (Committee for Programme and Coordination), it was a great year and hopefully next year we'll become the first delegation to the CPC to finish the budget. Aaron, thanks for being a great guy with a great sense of humor. I hope I filled your footsteps this year as Egypt, CPC...I tried damn hard. Nick, I got to know you better AFTER the was fun, and you are a terrific person! Hope to see you at the conferences next year...and good luck at BU with the Prozac pancake mix. Joel, you're a great kid, and it is truly a shame about Ray. Maybe next year we'll be reading happier news about the NHL playoffs. Til then. Hope to see all the delegates back next year.

Winding down now...Scott, like I never want to stop telling you, you amaze me. It's been such an honor to have gotten to know you, and I wouldn't want to give that up for anything. For all the late night convos, the early morning abuse, and the random bets, I love you. Gavin, you are truly something special. I miss you and I can't wait until I see you back on this coast. I know you will do well in are 100% capable, and if you ever need a hand, a shoulder to cry on, of just a regular old friend, you know where to find me. To Krissy, Matt, Mikey, Katie, Charlotte, Kim, and Stevie, I love you guys. To my teammates, my friends, my brothers, I love you, and I could not be who I am without your help, guidance, protection, and general abuse. I will always be with you - blood for blood, we are the dreamers of the dreams. To the Captain's Club...the days we spent together left, well, lasting impressions for sure, but not only in the physical sense - I have never met people I am more at peace with, who are more a part of me. I will see you again. Matt...I enjoy your company, and with luck something good will happen. In any case, I've found a treasured friend in you. Thanks to my parents for just being who they are...I love you. To everyone I have spoken with and shared a minute, a day, an hour, a look are a part of who I am and I am proud to know you. Thank you.

E-mail me with your threats and diatribes here, ye who I accidentally forgot...

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