This Event Has Been Cancelled

Second Annual CSAA Dinner

When:  Friday April 27, 2007  -- 7-11pm

Where:  Monponsett Inn – Route 58  - Halifax, MA


This is a great chance to gather for some fun and fellowship.  Many past and present Camp Directors and CSAA Presidents will be speaking.  You can have a chance to say a few words or tell a few stories about your Squanto experiences. There will be door prizes, raffles and displays.


Tickets are available for $20.00.  Reserve your tickets by sending a check, payable to:

                        Camp Squanto Alumni Association

                        Box 445     

Marshfield Hills, MA 02051

Reservations for dinner must be made by April 20th.

For further information call 781-834-7842

Our Annual Meeting will take place Saturday, August 4, 2007 at Camp Squanto in the afternoon.  All who have ever attended camp are invited to participate.  This meeting is very important this year as information about our role in supporting the Old Colony Council’s Capital Campaign to raise $3,000,000 for the renovation and additions to the camp will be explained. About one third of the amount has now been raised and our participation in the next phase is extremely important.  I hope you will join us in making sure this venture is successful! 



Arnold Briggs

President CSAA
