Always Home
By Seth P. Cannon

In one sleepless night many moons ago I concentrated on one thing and that was homesickness. Why was I homesick? I was lying in my bed in my humble abode, but I felt nostalgic for another entity. We all feel this way at times, it痴 our human nature to evoke over loss or true love or even the longing for belonging in a sense of friendship. So as I lay on a bed my mind focused on that one feeling. I missed my friends, my home, and my family, my Camp Squanto. These were the people that knew me best; they knew me by my character and not by relation. Their open arms made me feel secure when the winter season would thaw and the sun would expect me to change, Squanto allowed me to be myself and mature into the future I hope to be in. These tall trees and cool breezes taught me the greatest of life痴 lessons; and that痴 an understatement!

Since childhood I faced social problems of confrontations and of a peripheral insight to the world around me. Squanto taught me that in order to be who I want to be, I must be who someone else wants to be, I must be a role model. I知 not trying to build any bridges here or pass on the torch, but I would like to give those younger than me the chances, opportunities, and potential that they well deserve.

I wrote this song on that sleepless night in the hopes that homesickness can be looked at as a different way, because with the whole world around to keep you company you値l never be alone, so wherever you go, you値l always be home.

Wherever I go I値l always be home
Wherever I roll, wherever I roam
With the world all around me I知 never alone
Wherever I go I値l always be home

Wherever I walk I値l always be near
Whenever you talk I値l be able to hear
Steady as a rock without fault or fear
Wherever I walk I値l always be near

Whenever I run I値l always be close
Like the rise of the sun I知 more faithful than most
I don稚 like to brag and I don稚 like to boast
Wherever I run I値l always be close

Wherever I crawl I値l never be far
Right down the hall or in some unfinished war
We値l look up at the night sky to see those bright shining stars
Wherever I crawl I値l never be far

Thank you Camp Squanto for your inspiration and most importantly your spirit.


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