Falling Up

Falling Up by Danielle Barboza

Yesterday is gone.
Not even a memory anymore.
It has faded into the black and aching
abyss that has become me.

What of it?
There's no hope there.
Only another day to dread.

It used to be hope.
I think so anyways.
At one time or another...
Or maybe not...
I can't remember anymore...

You are my hope now,
and without you, I'm left without.
Without light, feeling, and...
What was that other thing?
Oh yeah. Hope.
I wish you'd come back soon.
Back into my arms, whispering my name...
What was my name? Who am I again?
Well... I guess that's gone now too...

Where was I? Where am I going?
Did I think I could walk this path alone?
Why'd I think that?
I shouldn't have...
Cause now I'm gone too. Lost and gone.
Vanished forever without a trace...

Vanished forever without a trace.
What was that?
What was that noise?
Was that...
It was. It was you calling my name.
No, not yet,
don't bring me away from this place,
where all is gone and
things melt blissfully away.

your arms,
your touch.
I'd forgotten how they felt...
Your warmth around me again...
Where were you?
Oh... It was I who left, wasn't it...
You found me them?
Rescued me like always...
How lost I'd be without you!

Look there, a light!
A ray of sun shines into my abyss!
Oh, my beloved Leo,
don't ever let me stray again!
Hold me tight, lift me up, bring me back
to where I used to be!
Where it was light,
and things weren't gone in an instant.

My eyes, they pain me;
they're not used to your glory anymore,
your brightness...
Things are coming back now...
Back into my hold,
just like you,
back into my sight.

Oh, that's better.
Yes, the pain's fading now.
I can endure your brilliance again.
Don't ever leave me,
don't ever stop finding me.
No matter what I say, I don't want to be lost.

Just hold me now.
Hold me tight.
Latch onto me with your light.
Make me whole. Make me human.
Bring me back forever.
I love you always.
I need you.
My savior.

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