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The Sing Blue Silver Webring Homepage

This webring is for websites featuring Duran Duran.

To join this ring, your webpage must be primarily devoted to Duran Duran or any member past or present.

To Join This Webring

1. You need to submit your site to the ring. Fill out the submission form below. You will be given a site ID number and choose a password please make note of them, you will need them later. Once you're done, return to this page using either your browsers back button or the link on the page.

2. There are two pictures that you need to download from here and place on your website. You can download these by RIGHT clicking on the images below and saving them to your hard drive.

3. You will also need to place a section of code somewhere on your website. You can get this code by either using the View/Document Source option on your browser and look for <­­ Begin Copy Here­­> or you can email me and I will send it to you. This code will create a table similar to the one below.

4. Once you have the code you will need to replace ­­YOUR ID­­ with the ID number you were assigned when you submited your website. You will need to replace ­­YOUR URL­­ with the address for your website and ­­YOUR EMAIL­­ and ­­YOUR NAME­­ with your email address and name. You will also need to remove the <­­ in front of the code and the ­­> following it in order for the code to display properly.

That's all there is to it! You will receive an email confirming your submission to the ring. Your site won't actually be added to the ring until a ring member has confirmed that the code is in place on your page. Once the addition has been verified, your site will be added to the ring and you will recieve an email confirming the addition.

Submit site to the Sing Blue Silver Webring.
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Forgot your password?

Thanks for joining the Sing Blue Silver Webring!

Not sure you want to join? Have questions? Email me! I'll be happy to answer them or help you get things set up.

<img<imgThis Sing Blue Silver site is owned by

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