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Cheats & Codes

These Cheats Work

Get 99 of an Item

First you need Pokemon that has Fly and Surf. Then you Fly to Viridian City, and talk to the guy that shows you how to catch a Weedle. Then, he'll ask you a Yes and No question. Say No and watch him catch a Weedle. When he's done, go to your items list and put whatever you want to duplicate, on the sixth spot. To do this, press the Select button to whatever you want to change, and go to the 2nd item that you want to switch and press Select again. At this point, the items should of changed places. After this is done, Fly to Fushia City and Surf to Seafoam Islands. DON'T TRY TO FIGHT ANYONE OR ELSE YOU HAVE TO START FROM THE BEGINING AGAIN! Then, when you reach to Seafoam Islands, DON'T GO ON LAND. Surf up and down the part where the Land meets the Water. Soon you should come across MissingNo. or 'M. Run away or Kill it. Don't catch it or it messes up your game! Then, go on land, and on the 6th item, it should have a small picture and a # (number) next to the item. If you see this, you did the code right!

Easy Level Gain

If You Cant Use The Rare Candy Code And Have A Weak Pokemon That You Want To Make A Super One (Magikarp, Abra) Then Put It At The Top Of The List And When You Battle Somebody Withdraw The Pokemon And Send Out Your Pokemon Thats Best And Defeat Them The Weak One Will Get At Much Experience As The Other One, Please Only Use Two Unless One Faints To Get The Most Points!

Fight Safari Pokemon Elsewhere

Submitted by NovaAngelX / Ammended To fight and capture Safari Zone Pokemon outside of the park, first go into the park. Let the time run out when you're standing in a patch of grass which holds the Pokemon you want to catch. Step back outside and use FLY to Fly back to Cinnabar Island. Using SURF, surf up and down the right side of the shoreline, where you are half on shore and half in the water. You should then enter some battles with Safari Zone Pokemon! No more bait or rocks! It's sleep and Psybeam time! This also works with other areas of the game where you find wild Pokemon. Experiment and see what happens!

Clone Pokemon

Submitted by Kingmog55 You need a friend for this. Trade the pokemon to be cloned and have you friend get a pokemon they dont care about. Trade them, and make sure the person getting the weak and common pokemon can see the other's screen. When the reciever of the good pokemon's screen says "waiting", turn off the Game Boy that's getting the bad pokemon. When the other one says trade completed, turn that one off too. When you turn the games back on, you should both have the powerful pokemon, but the weak Pokemon will be lost. Warning! This could delete a saved game or your Pokemon!

Phantom PC

Submitted by Go to Celadon City and make your way to the motel. go to the far right wall and make ash look north and he be in the middle square. Press A and What's this? OHMYGOSH!!!! a Ghost computer!! That's right, a Ghost PC Go to Celadon City, then go south until you are by the Alley where the Game Corner is. Walk EAST until you are standing next to a bush. CUT the bush down and go SOUTH to the first building to the WEST.... this is the Motel. Enter the Motel and walk NORTH until you hit the shelf, then walk EAST until you hit the wall, YOUR STANDING ON THE PHANTOM PC!! Now walk DOWN 2 spaces, the walk UP 1 space. Now press A and select something to do!
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