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Win My Awards!

Here are the awards you can win! All you gotta do is to E-mail me! me your URL to your site. Put "Award" as the Subject.


To win this Award, your site must have the following:
1.Something About Pokemon least 5 pages
3.NO Nudity or Adult stuff!
4.Signed my Message Board
5.Linked to me

This is what the award would look like:

Click here to Win YOUR Award!


In order for you to win this award, you must have the following on your page:
1.Pokemon Stuff least 8 pages
3.a cheats/codes section
4.No ADULTURY!!!!!
5.signed my message board
6.Linked to me

This is what the award looks like:

Click here to Win YOUR Award!


In Order for you to win THIS award, you must have the following on your site:
1.Pokemon Stuff least 15 pages
3.a picture gallery
5.NO Adultury!!!!!!
6.Signed my message board
7.Linked to me.

This is what THIS award looks like:
Click here to Win YOUR Award!

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