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These links are all amazing (which is obvious given their main subject). I could gush about each one but I will just summarize each one a little.

This Book of Eric Burdon

This page has great pictures and a very thoughtful tribute to Burdon.

The Boat

This site has great information on Burdon's albums. Some of it is in Japanese last time I checked.

Henning and Brian's Unofficial Eric Burdon Page

Lots of information and pictures. A very good bulliten board.

The Eric Burdon Connection Newsletter

Lots of current information. A very offical site.

The Animals Gallery

A great page with original photos. I posted one of his on my site. Don't worry, it is credited to his page.

The Official Eric Burdon Page

This official site I believe came from a collaboration of Aimee Harrison (This Book of Burdon) and the famous Phil of the Newsletter. It is great, but what else could you expect from Aimee and Phil?

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