


Gray Notes


                     The Femmes Unlimited Website                                                         Openletter


99 HP  
99 Kaydets 
Navy Femmes 
Kaydet Net 
Army Barracks


Send your email for updates about the Femmes Web
ie redgie(redgie@yahoo.com)

23 March 1998

     I cannot stop laughing about this! This is a novel idea and a great one, too. You have my full support on this. I am very sure that everyone's going to be delighted when they hear about this. Perhaps, you can have your own action/assistance center for the new recruits. Tell me more. I'll surely have your letter printed in the next issue. I think that you shouldn't bare your identities to your boyfriends and to other people. This way my nephews will be conscious of this group's potential. They'll begin to be cautious and start being serious in their relationships once and for all. But do take care of what you have--these nephews of mine are as fragile as glass... I'll see you guys during the Incorporation Hop.

Uncle Bobo

PS. The name of your org is great, sounds like you're one of the units at Headquarters PMA.