


Gray Notes



 The Femmes Unlimited Website

  Femme Lingo     Kaydet girl knowledge  Femme Knowledge

I.  History

     Femmes Unlimited was conceived initially as a support group, using the email to give a few advice, trade stories and gripes with other kaydet girls. Word got around when we wrote Uncle Bobo who then gave it a go. Thus, Femmes Unlimited was born on March 19, 1998.
     The Femmes Web was conceptualized later when the group grew in number and when some members suggested it as well.It was created so that kaydet girls can have a site to interact with and express their thoughts through creative writing.
     4 years hence, we have grown into a community, a new generation of Kaydet girls bound together by a common experience and the catchphrase: Femmes Rule! Boys Drool!

II.  Code of Conduct of a Kaydet Girl

    1.   I am a Kaydet girl, I will support and defend my Ayer (rotting)
    2.   I am a Kaydet Girl, I will protect my relationship from all forces that tend to destroy it (rotting)
    3.   I am a Kaydet girl, I will live a life intertwined with my Ayer’s, yet still independent from his  (rotting)

III.  Ancient Kaydet Girl Customs 

1. The Handshake - Kaydet girls show their affection to their Ayers in the hollowed grounds of PMA through this brief friction produced by the clasping of hands.  Since kissing and hugging are no-no’s even after 100 years of separation, tuyo ka na lang! 
2.  The Boodles - A tradition among generations and generations of Kaydet girls to appease the growling tigers within their Ayer’s guts, this would ensure harmony in the relationship and clinch her number 2 slot in her Ayer’s heart - second to the boodles.  No amount. 
3.  The Open Call - The conventional lifeline of the Kaydet girl and her Ayer, it is observed every 5:30-7 am, 12-1 pm and 5-7 pm unless you have a secret connection  a.k.a hotlines (amazing talaga!).  However,  texting has been slowly replacing this, wag lang mahuli ng Tac-o at class 2 yata ito….Text ka na ba? Text na! 
4.  The Official Business-  Utilized by cadets to accomplish important errands and businesseseses, surely, a Kaydet girl knows how to maximize this convenient excuse to be with her Ayer. Ang saya! 
5. The Mail - snail mail, email, speed mail…if you compute the amount you’ve spent for all the letters you sent, don’t fret.  It’s probably equivalent to the number of push-ups he’s had to do multiplied pa with the other girls' letters.  Take and take na lang :)