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My Lengthy & Ambitious Reading List

Camus. The Myth of Sysiphus (and other essays). Augustine. City of God.
Graham Greene. The Power and The Glory. Benedicta Ward. Harlots of the Desert.
Harold Bloom. Literary criticism. Julian of Norwich.
George Orwell. 1984. Jacobus de Voragine. The Golden Legend.
Ovid. Metamorphoses. Jorge Luis Borges. This Craft of Verse.
C.S. Lewis. Miracles. The Problem of Pain. Abolition of Man. Seamus Heaney. Poetry.
J.R.R. Tolkien. The Lord of the Rings. T. S. Eliot.
Kurt Vonnegut. Welcome To The Monkeyhouse. Annie Dillard. Absolutely everything.
Thich Nh'at Hanh. Living Buddha, Living Christ. Ten Thousand Leaves. (haiku)
Elie Wiesel. Night. Elaine Pagels. Adam, Eve, & The Serpent.
William Faulkner. Iconologia.
Thomas Mann. Death in Venice. Italo Calvino. Invisible Cities.
Nancy Louise Frey. Pilgrim Stories: On and off the Road to Santiago. Neil Gaiman. Absolutely everything else.
Aldous Huxley. Brave New World. Upton Sinclair. The Jungle.
Chiam Potok. My Name Is Asher Lev. Madeleine L'Engle. Herself.

Suggest something else. Mock my current selections. Tell me whose name or title I've horribly misspelled. Go on, do it.

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