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undefined Jesus Wept

Jesus Wept

This webpage is for people who have recently lost a child or loved one.
It is designed so that people may share their feelings, grief, pain, or just to have someone to talk to.

On March 26, 1998 I lost my 39 yr. old son David, to a massive brain anuerysm
and then on January 27, 1999 my 16 yr. old grandaughter Cassandra, to complications from the flu.

In this website you will find poems written and submitted by people who have lost a loved one and poems that have been submitted as a favorite. There will also be a section for memorials. You will also find in the near future scripture, short stories of courage,
and whatever the Holy Spirit directs.

Please feel free to come back and visit at any time. This site will be updated often (Last updated on November 20, 2007) I would also ask you to feel free to submit your favorite poems, stories of courage, angel encounters, and memorials of loved ones. You may send your loved ones name, date of birth/date of death to be placed in our "Memorial Garden of Eternal Hope".
You may send your poems, stories, etc. to my E-mail:

God Bless You and Keep You in His Loving Arms and Comfort You with the Peace that only He can give.


Our book has been published! It is called "From A Mother's Heart," and you can find out more about this book
by clicking on the publisher's banner below ~

I would like to thank Beverly for all the beautiful graphics, music and her creative spirit in making this site a comforting place for us. Her loving, caring, compassionate spirit shines forth in every page. Thanks Bev you are a "very special" person. God bless you!
Please visit Beverly's site "The Lord's Prayer" under the "links" on this site.
Please sign my Guest Book below or which you will also find under "poems" ~ "David's Psalm" or "Cassandra".

Memorial Garden of Eternal Hope
Meet Joyce
Old Indian Prayer

Tina's Memorial Site

Christmas Angels 2006

These images below are gifts to Joyce from her dear friend Maria.

"Thank you to my dear friend Maria Faller for the special gifts for David and Cassandra.
Maria you are my "angel on earth."

To visit Maria's web site for her Angel Christopher, please click on the image below ~

Angel Hugs Postcards Guardian Angel! Click Here For Yours!
Angel Hugs Postcards



View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook

To view the entries in Joyce's old guestbook,
please click on the image below ~


Our Christmas Angels

Support Mel Gibson

My Friend Danny's Site

Welcome To Danny's Site

Andrew ~ Our Miracle, Our Angel

In Loving Memory Of Lee Henry Aguilera

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is owned by Joyce Beaulieu.
~ My Parents Are Survivors ~
~ Keeping our children's memories alive ~

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This site owned by
Joyce Beaulieu

This page was created by Craig Beaulieu, graphics by Beverly and maintained by Joyce Beaulieu and her "cyber daughter"