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Hello everyone, I lost my dearest son Keith on November 22, 1998. I was in so much pain to say the least. I kept praying to God, for a dream about my son to let me know he's alright. Well, two months after his death I had a dream. He looked so perfect in the dream, he told me that he was great and happy.

Oh, I forgot the day I found out that he was killed. I opened up the Bible and the first verse the Lord gave me was I John 3 and then John 3:16. The Lord has given me many verses since, to help me with my grief and when I pray for help.

On Mother's Day I was thinking of my son . I was all alone and I heard Keith's voice, so clear, saying "Hi mom, Happy Mother's Day. I knew it was him, I felt such peace after that. Good things have came from the Lord. So many things have happened, I know they are from the Holy Spirit and I hope I don't bore you. But...

My daughter was in the grocery store and feeling real sad. When she picked up a book and opened it to any page. On that page it said "Your brother is in Heaven and very happy." Then on her birthday, before she went to bed, she went outside and prayed that Keith would tell her Happy Birthday. Then at that second, she saw a shooting star. She had only seen one before the day of Keith's funeral.

I truly believe that the Holy Spirit is comforting us in many ways. Maybe, some people will think I am crazy but, I do believe that comfort and peace comes from the Lord. If you believe in your heart and are open for the signs of the Holy Spirit, they will be sent to you, and you too will also be comforted.


