A Special Tribute
In Loving Memory of All
Who Were Lost
In the
February 20, 2003
Night Club Fire
in Rhode Island
An evening of dance and an evening of fun
So many would die one by one
Some were young, some a little older
Some were shy, some a bit bolder
All were there to enjoy a great band
And soon there was a tragedy at hand
There was no warning when the fire broke out
With all the noise no one heard a shout
The fire was quickly out of control
Looking for an exit was everyone's goal
Hot smoke filled the room
Threatened people fearing doom
People where panicking oh so much
Everything seemed like a dream, out of touch
Weak and dazed people started to come out
Others were still trapped moving about
The last thoughts and goodbyes that people prayed
Innocent people were trapped under the crush
Hearts were pumping in a big rush
Now fingers are pointed, which won't help the feelings
Going to court won't help the healing.
Nicholas Silva (age 14) March 2003
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