Welcome to my 6 meter page. Here you will find information on topis related to 6 meters.
Here is my six meter set up:Icom IC 575-H 6/10 meter all mode radio. It has 100 watts output. I have a tempory 6 meter portable beam up about 25 feet. I am mostly on the following frequences: 50.125USB,50.150USB,50.130USB,50.135USB,50.225USB,50.300FM. 6-meters is a great band for all hams. It is great for getting a taste of some DX.On 6-meters you can run up to 1500 watts.In the summer months and during selected days and weeks out of the year, 50-54MHz, 6-meter signals are refracted by the ionosphere,giving incredible long-range communication excitement.It's almost a daily phenomena during the summer months for 6-meters to skip all over the country.