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I'm A Shithead.

I'm not much for talking about myself. If you don't know me, I'm 19, I'm an alcoholic, and I'm spending a year at Bridgton Academy to make up for fucking around in high school too much. I like lots of stuff, like music, watersports, snowsports, skating, girls, computers, cars, and beer.

Why put myself through the hell that is a postgraduate year at BA, you ask? Well, I could've gotten into college, let's make that clear now. If I had gone to college this year, my usual habits of drinking and girls would've been the end of me, and within the first semester I'd be back at home looking for another labor job to try and get myself out of my parent's basement. The fact that I'm here at BA means that: A) There's no girls, so no problems there (Hi Erica!) and B) There's no alcohol, so no problem there either. I have NOTHING to do with myself but find stuff I can do on campus to keep busy, and my schoolwork. I've been developing better study habits so far, and hopefully they'll carry over to the following years and not be lost in the blur of the happenings of college. SOOOO... yeah, that's it for now... later.

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