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Pictures & Junk
Pics From The Dorm

That's Homa, he's 6'4" 300 pounds of RA pain.
Click the pic to see one of the few known sitings of the ever-elusive Homa to be recorded

Bart, he lives across the hall, and John took a picture of him exiting the shower.

Our friend Bart, but not so naked.

Dan, he's a good kid, lives with Bart and can usually be found at the dining hall, hockey practice, or in here using my guitars.

Dan's interests also include flipping you off.

Nathan, yet another good guy, lives on the second floor.

Nate's a rocker... what a badass.

Brian "Bonesy" Sweeney, he lives upstairs...and he's from Vermont... more on Bonesy later.

This is John... I don't know what I can really say about John, he is indescribable...

Wait, no, that will work perfectly...

They say a picture is worth a thousand words...

Yeah, these pictures sum him up well...


There's me... I need to shave.

Thought I'd add in one of me in my natural element... indisposed at a party.

Pics of my huge dong...I swear...