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Complaining is my favorite hobby.
Weekly Complaints

So this is where I'll be complaining about whatever I feel like, similar to a Greek friend of mine, but he doesn't have internet access at the moment so he can't complain about me stealing his idea!

Anywho, this week I'll just be putting in random shit that I feel like. We'll start with Maine in general. Maine is really annoying. It's 50 degrees until noon, at which point it immediately is 70 degrees, and I go from freezing to sweating. I am also allergic to Maine. No, I'm not kidding. I was perfectly fine, haven't had allergy problems in years, then BAM! I move up here and I have a death cough that I can't get rid of. I'm getting my allergy medecine tomorrow, so that might help. Maine also sucks for banks. The closest Fleet I can go to is 20 miles away, and that sucks. I have money here, in checks, and I can't use it. Maine sucks.

Also, this school pisses me off with a lot of shit. First of all, I have 3 classes per week that start at 7:45am. my roommate, however, only has one of these per week, and the rest of the week he wakes up at 8:30. How is this fair!? And another thing, THE FOOD BLOWS. Who's idea is it to make us wear slacks and collared shirts to dinner, then feed us gruel? I'd like to find him and give him a swift kick in the ass. Tonight the main entree was Chicken Fried Steak. No, I didn't make a typo. you know waht chicken fried steak is? It's low quality beef that's been battered in a quarter inch of breadcrumbs and deep fried. MMMMMMMMM TASTY!!! I can feel it poking out of my ass already.

I can live without being able to breath out of my nose. I can live with having only 1 out of every 5 bowel movements come out solid. I don't think, however, that I can live without Kazaa. Kazaa and KazaLite are the greatest P2P programming that has ever been unleashed upon our race, and guess what? IT'S FIREWALLED HERE. In layman's terms, that means that I can't use it, the Techie-Dick here has it blocked. That means that I'm forced to use other means to steal music and video files, which are not near as fruitful. I hate that.

I think that's enough for now, I'll save some bitching for another time.

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