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"Amanda is ONE!"

List Mom ~ Jennifer B.

List Baby ~ Amanda

Birth Date ~ July 16, 1999

Birth Weight & Height ~ 6 lbs 12 ozs & 18 3/4 in.

My Weight & Height at 2 years ~ * lbs * ozs & * in.

~ My Birthday Celebration! ~

Amanda turned one Sunday July 16th. We had a party for her at our house. We invited family and a few friends. We Cooked hamburger and Hotdogs on the BBQ while the older kids got to go swimming. Amanda little boyfriend Alexander came too so she had someone to play with the whole time. (even though the mostly bet each other up and fight over toys lol) We have a princess theme and Amanda wore a big pink princess dress. her cake had a castle on it and a little pony. We also got a little cake for her to eat all by herself. Boy did she like. She managed to get it everywhere. I finally had to take it away from her since she was trying to eat to much of it and started to choke. We tried to wash her off in the kiddie pool (I know bad mommy =) but she was just too cover so we had to wash her down in the sink. We then opened her presents. She really love the doll carriage Daddy and Mommy bought her but how dare we put a baby doll in it. She mange to remove it and replace it with her own bottle and blanket. =) Besides that she got some really cute clothes, a ring, a toy cellphone, (she still likes daddy's better) a few baby dolls and a Birthstone Cherished Teddies teddy bear. Amanda's now weighs 18 Lbs and 31 1/4". She has been walking since about 10 1/2 months. She says Dada, Mama, Hi, Bye, Good, yum and few other things she mange's to say once or twice then never again. She is totally a daddy's girl. But still come to Mommy when she needs to be comforted. She still has four teeth. Two on the top and two on the bottom. It seems like she has been teething forever. She HATES baby food and always has. She maybe has eaten 6 jars if that. She loves table food. Her favorite is Pastas, cheese and bread. She like to drink from her sippy cup but not as much as her bottle. It is so hard to believe that my little girl is already a year old. It seems like only yesterday we were taking her home from the hospital. =( Happy Birthday, My Little Princess!!!!!!!!
I Love You, Mommy

See how I looked a year ago on my birth page!

My friends had birthdays too! Check them out!!

* Vayda* Brittany* Camryn* Keira* Amanda* Emma* Helen*
Alyssa* Andrew* Lauren* Justin* Mati* Ashley*
Brett * Caitlyn* Julianna*

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