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It's a GIRL!

List Member ~ Angela

Due Date ~ July- 3 -1999

Baby's Name ~ Lauren Grace

Birth Date ~ June - 23 - 1999

Weight ~ 11 lbs. 1.5 ozs.

Height ~ 21 inches

~ Mommy's Comments ~

On Tuesday, June 22, 1999 I was experiencing the second straight day of decreased fetal movement. While the baby was still moving the "required" number of times, I knew that it just wasn't normal for her. I called my dr and she told me to come into the office. While there, they did an NST which came back normal. As I did every time I've seen her lately, I started asking WHEN she was going to induce me. She was talking about the upcoming weekend. As a joke, I said "I'm free tonight!" I was shocked when she said that if she did it right then, I'd have to go to a different hospital than originally planned, because she had one patient already in labor. I immediately perked up and announced that I would have it on her waiting room floor if that's what it took! LOL. She sent me to Labor and Delivery. Of course, it was a madhouse when I got there. They found me a room, and a fetal monitor, but didn't have time for much else. We got there between 6 and 7 p.m. They were saying that they would probably just let me stay and get some sleep and induce me in the morning. My dr had told the staff that she wanted my epidural in by midnight if they were going to start my pitocin that night. She was afraid that if I didn't get it early, I'd end up not getting it because she thought I would go pretty fast. The dr came in and was going to put something on my cervix and leave it at that. When she saw that I already had the epidural in place, she broke my water instead. They broke my water at 11:15 and I went right to 6 cm! I also lost 2/3 of my stomach! It took literally about 5-10 minutes for my water to drain. The nurses and dr said they'd never seen that much water come out of one person. It was hilarious! Finally at 12:25 she showed up with the beloved bag of Pitocin. By 12:45 I was having back labor and demanding that it was time to turn on the epidural! The nurse said that it might not help at all with back labor. I thought I'd have a nervous breakdown . She brought me a hot blanket for my back and they turned the epidural on. It did work for my back, and I was REALLY glad! However, it was warm in the room to begin with and the hot blanket didn't help. By 1:30 I was 8 cm. At 2:45 I announced that it was time to push, and it was. That was when things got ugly. She put SO much pressure on my rectum that I was SCREAMING for a c-section! And this was WITH the epidural! I was ok while pushing, but in between I was sobbing! As I recall, I just kept yelling "MY BUTT! MY BUTT!" I'm sure every one in the room enjoyed that. :) Luckily, that only lasted 15 minutes, and out she was! The whole thing was so fast and furious that I hardly knew what hit me! When I felt her feet slide out, I suddenly became more religious than I thought I was. I spoke only 2 words -- "THANK GOD!" LOL Looking back, I think they may have either turned down my epidural or turned it off, because I could feel a little too much of what the dr was doing. When I saw her coming at me with that needle, I started freaking again! I started yelling "You can't stitch me up now, I can feel that!" She reminded me that I had an epidural and I shouted that I didn't care! She then said it was nice to know that I still had "that attitude" at 3:00 in the morning. I said "especially at 3:00 in the morning" and she numbed me before proceeding. Her apgars were 9 and 9 and she was perfect! Her little head is perfectly round. Ok, so it isn't little (15 inches!), but it is round. She doesn't have any bruises or marks on her face and nothing was pushed in. I think she's absolutely beautiful, and I don't just say that because I am her mother! LOL! I am still in shock that I gave birth to an OVER 11 pound baby in 2 1/2 hours!
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