"hmmm...this cake looks good enough to smash!!"
List Mom ~ Della
List Baby ~ Camryn
Birth Date ~ July 14, 1999
Birth Weight & Height ~ 7 lbs 4 ozs & 20 in.
My Weight & Height at 2 years ~ * lbs * ozs & * in.
~ My Birthday Celebration! ~
It's hard to believe our little Miss C is a year old. We had a quiet
celebration with our friends Stephen, Samantha, and their 18 month old
son Cameron. The house was decorated with her favorite little red
monster - Elmo. We had two cakes, one for her and one for the rest of
us, also decorated with Elmo ! She didn't eat much of her cake but
totally destroyed it with her hands, leaving quite a mess at the end but
it was fun to watch her play. Her first birthday gifts included a play
kitchen, a cabbage patch doll, a cute knitted doll, some clothes, and
lots of mylar balloons... it was a fun filled day and way easier on Mom
than labor a year ago :)
Visit how Camryn looked on her Birth Page a year ago!
My friends had birthdays too! Check them out!!
* Vayda* Brittany* Camryn* Keira* Amanda* Emma* Helen*
Alyssa* Andrew* Lauren* Justin* Mati* Kaleb* Ashley*
Brett * Caitlyn* Julianna*
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