It's a GIRL!
List Member ~ Claire
Due Date ~ July - 1 - 1999
Baby's Name ~ Matilda Ann
Birth Date ~ June - 28 - 1999
Weight ~ 7 lbs. 11 ozs.
Height ~ 51 cm
~ Mommy's Comments ~
I woke on Sunday at about 11.45pm and felt like my waters had broken and
were leaking. I
decided to rest in bed and await some sign that labour may be starting
to no avail. I dozed off and awoke at 7.00am to a few contractions
lasting a few seconds and being 10 minutes apart. I was very excited
but thought it was probably false labour and would go away. I kept busy
- packing bags, tidying etc and by 11.30 am the pains had stopped. I
decided to ring and check with the hospital what I should do - they
suggested a check. After various examinations and consultation with my
doctor that I should stay in hospital . I really had anticipated going
home. DH and I sat around the hospital for a little while until being
moved to the birth suite. We watched tv, listened to music and breathed
through contractions. By 4.30 I decide a soak in the bath might help the
pains (which were tolerable)- at about 5pm out I hopped and by 5.30
things really started to hot up. I asked for the gas which was a dream -
it didn't take the pain away but seem to take me away from the pain and
helped me breath. My support people(DH and Mum) were wonderful on
helping me with back rubs, staying focussed and heat packs. The pain and
contractions increased over time and I was helped onto the bed, on my
knees over a bean bag which supported my stomach. The gas was taken away
and I hung onto the bed for dear life while having back rubs and heat
packs on my back. After an hour of pushing my darling second daughter
Matilda was born. She was beautiful and alert. My birth was so positive
and wonderful . The midwife followed my birth plan that requested
minimal exams and interventions to the tee. I think we are so lucky to
have two wonderful and precious children.
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~Jennifer MG~
~Lisa C.~~Jennifer B.~~Lisa I.~
~Angela~~Jennifer Blo.~~Brande~
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