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"Happy Birthday to ME!"

List Mom ~ Salome

List Baby ~ Coralyn

Birth Date ~ July 7, 1999

Birth Weight & Height ~ 6 lbs 7 ozs & 19 in.

My Weight & Height at 1 year ~ 20 lbs 11 ozs & 19 in.

~ My Birthday Celebration! ~

Coralyn celebrated her 1st birthday on July 15, 2000 with family, friends, cousins, and neighbors! The kids ate sloppy joes and cake and ice cream, yummy. I think she had a wonderful time and so did everyone else. She got to wear her beautiful pink dress that her Grandma bought her and then proceeded to cover it in Vanilla cake and ice cream, and of course sloppy joes (which she didn't even like, just liked wearing it). :-) Her favorite gift was her cell phone and after she (with mommys help) opened that up and threw the wrapping paper all over, I don't think she ever put it down! She also adores her little armchair from her gramma and grampa. Her dad got his Harvard bound daughter a few books and a pretty silver crown for his princess. :-) My favorite moment that evening had to be when Coralyn decided she didn't want anymore cake and decided to feed it to me, it was time to feed mommy after all her hard work I guess!! And then as everyone was beginning to leave Coralyn fell asleep right on the living room floor. Her 1st birthday was a lot of work to put together but it sure was plenty fun and I can't wait to celebrate many more birthdays and see her grow up. She'll always be my little princess! :-)

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My friends had birthdays too! Check them out!!

* Vayda* Brittany* Camryn* Keira* Amanda* Emma* Helen*
Alyssa* Andrew* Lauren* Justin* Mati* Kaleb* Ashley* Moriah* Coralyn*
Brett * Caitlyn* Seth* Caleb* Julianna* Greta*

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