It's a GIRL!
List Member ~ Della
Due Date ~ July - 13 - 1999
Baby's Name ~ Camryn Brianna
Birth Date ~ July - 14 - 1999
Weight ~ 7 lbs. 4 ozs.
Height ~ 20 inches
~ Mommy's Comments ~
It started on July 13th, I had been having the normal contractions all
day, same as the last couple of weeks but at 6pm they started to get a
little more noticeable, still not painful at all. As the night
progressed they were coming every 10 to 15 minutes but still not
painful. They continued and around 11:15 I had a few contractions at 4
minutes apart and figured I had better call my midwife. She said to
come on in if I felt I needed to. We left the house at about 11:40 pm
and checked into the emergency room at 12:10 am.
I was taken to labor & delivery where I was found to be 3 - 4 cm dilated
and about 80% effaced. They put me on the fetal monitor for awhile, my
contractions were about 5 minutes apart and were getting to be more
noticeable but still not bad. My doula, Julie, also arrive at this
point. I was told to get up and walk...we walked the nice, peaceful
halls for awhile and both Glen & Julie moved their cars from the ER
parking lot. My contractions soon picked up and started to hurt. I
would stop and lean against the wall with each one, a position that I
soon found to be the most comfortable of the evening!! Poor Glen and
Julie did their share of back massaging !!
We went back to L & D after about 30-45 minutes and I was checked and
put back on the monitor, I was 6 cm dilated. I asked when I could go
into the shower...my reply was that I would probably have to walk for
another hour to hour and a half before I could be given a room. My
contractions started to pick up and the sensors kept falling off of my
tummy whenever I had a contraction. Because of this I had to lay there
even longer (with the nurse holding the sensors on me so they could get
a good reading). Finally the nurse said she would find me a room and I
could get into the shower. (I'm not sure what happened to the walking
for another hour!)
I walked to the room and the shower seemed to take forever to warm up
but my doula was great at getting the nurses attention to do anything
they could to speed it up...I was only in the shower for about 15
minutes when I announced that with one of my contractions I had started
to push!! I believe my midwife said "No, you can't push yet!" and I
responded "but I did"! Needless to say I had to get out of the shower
and they got the bed ready for me. The midwife checked and I was 8 cm
dilated...but with the next contraction I pushed again. The midwife said
I shouldn't push because I would tear but unfortunately I really
couldn't stop and after two more pushes Camryn came out. Amazingly
enough I didn't tear at all...the primrose oil did it's job!!!
Camryn was so sweet!! She scored 9 and 9 on her apgars and was very
alert for all that had just happened!! She stayed on my tummy for quite
awhile and fed wonderfully also. It's still hard to believe that I
arrived at the hospital at 12:10 am and had Camryn just 3 hours later at
3:04 am!!!
It makes you remember what a miracle it all is!!
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